Examples of Compare and Contrast Essays: Perfect Writing Models

Examples of Compare and Contrast Essays: Perfect Writing Models

Although compare and contrast is one of the main essay types students have to learn writing, it is not that complicated compared to other types of papers. Many rules that you use for preparing other essay types can also be applied when writing compare essays.

The main problem students have when it comes to making compare and contrast essays is organization. This is when examples of compare and contrast essays will be especially useful and will serve as perfect models for writing.

So, how exactly can you benefit from using examples of compare and contrast essays? Let us explain you the main points to be checked and analyzed in samples that you are going to use.

How to Write an Introduction for a Compare and Contrast Essay

Introductory paragraphs in compare and contrast essays are similar to other essay types in the way they are organized. They should include background information about a topic and present what exactly will be compared and contrasted. Check out these aspects in the example of a compare and contrast essay you have.

Body Paragraphs in Examples of Compare and Contrast Essays

This is the trickiest part of compare and contrast essays, because body paragraphs can be arranged in several ways. How did the authors of your examples of compare and contrast essays organize bodies? What method do you find the most suitable?

Examples of Contrast Words Used in Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare and contrast essays, just like any other type of papers, should be well-developed and supported by evidence, facts, and examples. Here are the examples of contrast words you can use in your compare and contrast essays to introduce your supporting points and draw comparisons:

  • Although.
  • On the one hand / on the other hand.
  • However.
  • In contrast.
  • On the contrary.
  • In comparison.
  • Unlike.
  • Instead.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

We have compiled a list of topic ideas that you might use to write your compare and contrast essay.

  1. Chinese vs. American education system.
  2. Two English language textbooks comparison.
  3. The characters of Eleonora and Tia Roma comparison.
  4. “A&P” and “Hills Like White Elephants” stories comparison.
  5. Legal drinking age and US vs. European alcohol consumption patterns.
  6. Gun control policies: Regulation vs. Constitution.
  7. Child development theories: Comparative analysis.
  8. Transfer protocols technologies comparison.
  9. Articles of Confederation 1777 and the US Constitution 1787: Objective comparison.
  10. Dubai and Cape Town comparison as a vacation locations.
  11. Bernini, Caravaggio, and Rembrandt: Works comparison.
  12. Karl Marx vs Max Weber: Differing views on social class.
  13. Religions of the world: Comparison.
  14. Comparison of Weber’s and Marx’s perspective on the “conflict theory.”
  15. Langston Hughes and Tennessee Williams: Comparison.
  16. Comparison between civil law and criminal law.
  17. Intelligence theories: Comparison and critique.
  18. Women and LGBT rights evolution comparison in the US.
  19. Comparison of the US court system and the UK court system.
  20. The Korean War vs. the Vietnam War.
  21. Modeling vs. strain theory as crime explanation.
  22. Global warming: Human vs. natural causes.
  23. Literature vs. cinema: Compare and contrast essay.
  24. Comparison of the human resource management in Japan and the UK.
  25. International vs. generally accepted accounting principles.
  26. Affordable Care Act vs. UAE’s social health system.
  27. United States vs. Canada: The access to healthcare.
  28. UK healthcare system and comparison with the US healthcare system.
  29. Transformational and servant leadership comparison.
  30. The Great Depression as compared to today’s financial crisis.
  31. Southwest Airlines and Lufthansa comparison.
  32. Home vs. public school education.
  33. Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now movies comparison.
  34. Deep vein thrombosis vs. Pulmonary embolism.
  35. Comparison of remifentanil sedation with conventional regimen in ICU care.
  36. Alternative energy sources vs. fossil fuels.
  37. Behaviorist, humanistic, and cognitive theories comparison.
  38. Greece’s and UK’s risk escape system comparison.
  39. Comparison between laser scanner and total station.
  40. The US foreign policy: Obama and Trump administrations comparison.
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