Outstanding Cover Page Generator

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APA 7th ed.

The first page of an academic paper is called the title page, while the book’s outer part – cover page. There are numerous similarities between these two elements, so many people often equate them, especially in academic writing. In this article, we will use these two notions interchangeably.

Do you need to create an MLA, APA, Chicago, or Harvard cover page but don’t know how? That’s not a problem!

Use our tool and make title pages in any style you need. Also, our experts listed some tips on research paper writing below. Find out everything you need to do before creating a cover page in APA or MLA format.

✏️APA & MLA Cover Page Essentials

In the section, we’ll consider the differences between the cover page of a book and an academic paper. Though our generator was created to handle solely academic writing, knowing the essentials of each type can be useful.

Check out the following section to learn the basics:

Cover Page of a Book

A title page of a book should display the following information:

  • The title. It is the name of the book. If there is a subtitle, it goes on the cover page as well.
  • The author. A person who wrote the book. If there are multiple authors, do not forget to mention each of them on the page.
  • The publisher. Here you list the publishing company’s name and its location.
  • The date. You do not need an exact date, but just the year when the book was published.
  • Author’s note. The additional information the author would like to deliver. Yet, this element is optional – not every cover page should contain it.

Cover Page of an Academic Work

MLA style and APA style are the most common writing formats, even though the former doesn’t usually require a cover page. Learning about them is crucial for your academic success, even though our tool can help you with the title page.

Do you need a cover page for APA or MLA style? A title page of a research paper, thesis, dissertation, or any other academic work should have:

  • The title. The title tells the name of the paper. It should grab the attention of the reader. Also, it has to reflect the main idea of your writing.
  • The name of the author. It’s your name. If you did a group project, include the name of each participant on the cover page.
  • Educational institution. That’s the name of the university or institution where you study. Please use the full name of your college or school and not the abbreviated one.

📚 Writing a Research Paper: 7 Steps to Success

A cover page is an essential part of academic papers that requires in-depth research. Writing a thesis, dissertation, or an argumentative essay, you will need to use secondary sources anyway. Ultimately, your assignment’s type will affect the title – a vital element of the cover page.

You don’t have to worry about it! Our online generator will do an APA cover page or MLA cover page in a few clicks!

Try our tool to solve the problem quickly. In this part, let us focus on the process of writing a research paper. We prepared some insightful tips and great examples for you in the following sections.

✅ Get a Topic

Not everyone realizes that a good topic is a key to a successful essay. If you are wondering how to select the best idea for the paper, this part is for you. Follow our advice!

Scrutinize your task

What does the assignment require? What type of paper do you need to write? Read the instructions from your instructor before deciding what you will write about. Focus on the core idea of the task and choose the appropriate theme for your work.

Choose what you are interested in

In some cases, the instructor may give you complete freedom in terms of topic selection. Don’t waste this chance! Dive into the field of your interest and turn a challenging process of academic writing into a pleasurable activity.

Formulate a concise topic

Do not select a topic that is too narrow or too broad. It would help if you aimed to find a subject that gives you enough space. At the same time, be narrow enough to be able to focus on something. Remember, your idea directly affects your title – the APA or MLA cover page’s main element.

✅ Examine

Before writing the entire paper, it would be beneficial to do preliminary research. Follow our simple tips to understand what steps to go through:


Before assigning a paper, your professor has probably discussed the topic with you in class. Start by skimming through your notes and literature that you’ve used during the discussions and studies. Then you can look through a few related articles on the Internet to grasp the idea.

Find sources

In-class discussion is a massive step for a start. However, you have to go beyond that because it is not enough to create an entire paper. So, try to find credible sources to do your research in the library or on the Internet.

Take notes

Be mindful that this step can be confusing and overwhelming at times. You will probably find a lot of information, and you can easily get lost. Highlighting necessary info and taking notes can be beneficial.

Organize your info

Make a specific plan of what data you are going to use where. This strategy will help you to format your paper effectively.

✅ Take a Position

You should clearly state your thesis in your paper, so the reader can get what you are trying to say. If you are wondering how to express your position, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Understand what you’re going to argue in the paper. Find out what will be your “for” and “against” claims.
  2. State your position from the very beginning. It should be expressed in your thesis statement at the end of the introduction. Try to be as transparent as possible. The goal is to make your reader understand your position.
  3. Make sure to find enough evidence to support your point. Also, think about counter-arguments and prepare evidence for it too. To find proofs and examples, use reliable secondary resources.

✅ Outline Your Paper

A well-organized structure will make it easier to keep a coherent and logical flow of ideas in your essay. It will help you write an outstanding paper. Here are some tips on outlining your writing:

  • List your significant arguments. Consider in what order to implement them.
  • Your reasoning should be logical and coherent. If you feel that your arguments do not match with the evidence, try to rearrange things. You can do it by editing your outline. It will make your paper more dynamic.
  • Distribute the quotes according to your arguments. This step will help you to make sure that your evidence is appropriate and effective.

✅ Cite Sources

References and in-text citations play an essential role in an academic paper. Your skills of citing the info show your professionalism and knowledge. How not to fail in citing the sources?

First, get the sources you’ve cited and put them in a reference list at the end of your paper. Put them in alphabetical order, and don’t miss anything!

Next, ask your instructor what citation style is required and format accordingly. You have to keep in mind many details. For example, in APA formatting, use the word References to list the sources. In MLA style, write Works Cited.

✅ Write

You have finally reached the most critical step in your writing process. It is the writing itself. Here are some tips on how to make it smooth and less stressful for you:

  • Draft it first and revise it later. After completing your rough draft, let your brain refresh. Then, edit what you have written and make changes if needed.
  • Pay attention to the language and tone you use. Avoid slang and colloquial speech in your academic paper. Your text should be in a formal style and academic vocabulary.
  • Quote appropriately. Follow your writing style guidelines. Make sure your in-text citations and direct quotes are flawless.
  • Come up with a title in the end. After finishing your paper, name your work. Put it on your cover page for APA or MLA piece, depending on the style.

✅ Revise & Edit

Congratulations! You have reached the final stage. To get a good grade, you have to polish your paper. Although this part is quite simple, it plays a vital role in the success of your writing.

You can divide the process into two steps:

  1. Edit your content. Read your paper first, focusing on the ideas you have written. If something seems weak, edit that part.
  2. Edit your grammar. Read the essay for the second time and pay attention to grammar. Correct your mistakes if there are some.

Now you know how to write a research paper. Don’t forget that for a cover page, you can always use our cover page generator.

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🔗 References