Samples of Our Work
- Type of Assignment: Report
- Word Count: 3010
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: APA7
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Research Paper
- Word Count: 1308
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: APA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Term Paper
- Word Count: 1984
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: Harvard
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Essay
- Word Count: 998
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Essay
- Word Count: 1569
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: APA
- Title Page: No
- Bibliography: No
- Type of Assignment: Critical writing
- Word Count: 1401
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: No
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Assessment
- Word Count: 788
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Critical Writing
- Word Count: 576
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Reflection Paper
- Word Count: 839
- Outline: Yes
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Research Paper
- Word Count: 1538
- Outline: Yes
- Citation Style: Harvard
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Research Paper
- Word Count: 1367
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Assessment
- Word Count: 892
- Outline: No
- Citation Style: MLA
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
- Type of Assignment: Essay
- Word Count: 851
- Outline: Yes
- Citation Style: Harvar
- Title Page: Yes
- Bibliography: Yes
Academic Paper Examples
This section of our website is dedicated to showcasing some of the best academic paper examples crafted by our experts. All the samples shown here serve a multitude of purposes.
First of all, they give you a chance to see what our academic specialists are capable of in case you’re not sure if it is worth placing an order at OvernightEssay. Provided examples cover a wide range of topics—from arts to economics to biology and chemistry, and much more. A great number of paper types are included in this database, too: simple essays, articles, case studies, reports, research papers, etc. We also didn’t forget to include several citation style formats, including but not limited to MLA, APA, and Harvard. All of the works can act as proof that experts of our service are able to perform various types of writing on every topic imaginable.
Another reason for you to check out these academic paper examples is to use them for research purposes. Taking into consideration the fact that all the samples were written by our experts, we hold the copyright, so the works cannot be copied without being properly attributed. What you can do, however, is use these works as a source of inspiration, a way of getting additional information or insights into a particular topic, learning the specifics of a citation style, or getting started with your own research through the referenced sources.
There are plenty of free essay samples online. The easiest way to find them is to look for example databases. They come in a variety of forms and can either serve samples on a whole specter of academic subjects or be topic specific, providing, for instance, only nursing essays or business essays.
If used properly, these academic paper examples can act as a strong boost that’s going to help you to complete any written assignment.