Racism is a very spread yet complicated topic for students of all levels. Any essay about racism should include a clear introduction, solid body arguments, and a consistent conclusion.
You are lucky to have encountered this article because our experts have prepared all the necessary answers.
Here, we provide you with a most detailed writing guide. You’ll find out how to start and continue writing and what each part of an essay should include. You will also get an impressive number of inspiring topics and a couple of samples to top it up.
You need to write a racism definition essay? We’ve got that too. Let’s go!
✒️ Racism Essay Writing Guide
It doesn’t matter whether you have to write a racism argumentative essay or a persuasive one – the principles are the same.
Read this short guide to get a clear idea of an excellent essay about racism once and for all.
Essay on Racism- Step 1: Choose the Topic
Generally speaking, to choose a topic about racism, consider the basics. Your issue has to be acute, narrow, unique, and containing a conflict.
- If you catch yourself thinking: “Well, racism is too broad an issue, how am I supposed to write about it?” don’t worry! First, go through this mini-guide and then dive into the racism essay topics compilation below. If it’s not enough, try our Free Essay Topic Generator.
Essay on Racism – Step 2: Research
To create a racism essay, you should read a great scope of literature. Study the issue from different angles to find out the range of opinions.
- There are many excellent sources with all kinds of information about racism. It can be a good TedTalk video where a speaker elaborates on a specific topic. Or scholarly articles with comprehensive research and methodologies.
Essay on Racism – Step 3: Outline
Every assignment can contain individual demands to meet. For example, argumentative essay topics on racism must include particular evidence in the body. For a racism definition essay, it’s not necessary.
- Nevertheless, you should be familiar with the primary principles of essay outlining. Study them in the sections below.
I. Racism Essay Introduction
It’s essential to draw your audience’s attention first. A good introduction may start with a hook, including some statistics or disturbing facts. Racism topics for research papers have plenty of opportunities to operate a good hook.
Once you get the readers’ attention, introduce background information. Let your reader get familiar with what you are writing. The introduction usually ends with a thesis statement and a brief and sharp phrasing of an issue.
II. Racism Essay Body
The body of your essay on racism is the part where you unfold and prove your thesis statement. Usually, the body consists of three paragraphs with supporting arguments. However, the central part may depend on a particular type of essay.
For example, an argumentative essay requires drawing a solid argumentation and backing it up with evidence. This is necessary to do with each of the body paragraphs.
III. Racism Essay Conclusion
The final touch of your essay is a conclusion. Usually, you need just one paragraph, but it depends on the essay requirements.
A reasonable conclusion suggests that you clarify the significance of your arguments. Remember that you don’t want to duplicate everything you said. Your task is to summarize the information.
Answer the questions that appeared in the beginning and offer a solution to the problem.
You can find a conclusion example in our “To Kill a Mockingbird” racism essay sample below.

📚 269 Racism Essay Topics
We’ve reached the best part of the article. If you have to write an essay on racism and discrimination, here you go!
Choose any of these inspiring essay topics and start writing.
Racism Definition Essay
A definition essay implies that you reveal the essence of a concept or phenomenon. You can refer to definitions from different sources or make your own.
Looking through our racism essay examples, you can understand what should be in such an essay.
Let’s have a closer look.
- Identify the concept of racism. What does it include? What do we have to consider while talking about racism? Give examples of decent and poor definitions of racism.
- What is racial prejudice? Speak on how the mistreatment of the notion can lead to communication problems. How do different people understand this concept?
- Reveal the essence and meaning of the concept of white privilege. How did it appear? Speak on different opinions towards it.
- What is racial equity? What is the opposite term for it? Search for the definitions in scholarly works. Also, try to build your definition and explain how you see racial equity.
- Speak on different types of racism. What is systemic racism? What are institutional and individual racism? Explain the definition of structural racism.
- Ethnicity: what is it, and how does it differ from a race?
- Cultural appropriation: What is it, and why can it have a negative effect?
- Race and your community.
- How should the concept of national values be understood?
- Explain the meaning of internalized racism.
- What is the essence of racial and cultural diversity?
- From the very beginning: Explore various definitions of race.
- Social science and the origins of race.
- Microaggression acts: What is it, and why are they dangerous?
- What is racial trauma from the psychological point of view?
- Immigration and ethnic relations in the US.
- Societal disparities: The essence, types, and impact on racial relations.
- What is “culture”? What constituents does it have?
- Ku Klux Klan: History and essence of the most notorious racist organizations.
- Native Americans: Who are they, and what is happening now?
- Discrimination in the United States of America.
- Tell about BAME communities in Great Britain.
- The history of the Black Power Movement, its leaders, and ideas.
- The meaning of gender and race.
- Bias and prejudice: reveal the meaning of these notions.
- Institutional discrimination and racism.
- Analyze explicit and implicit racial prejudices.
- Define the term “discrimination” within the racism issues.
- Environmental racism and justice.
- What were the reasons for racism to appear?
- Antisemitism: History and impact on society and individuals.
- Defining unconscious racism.
- Tell about the most racist societies.
- Explore racist ideas in Ancient Greece.
- Racism and discrimination: The church vision and teaching.
- Martin Luther King Jr: Life, ideas, and death.
- Reveal the essence of such a concept as “post-racial.”
- The concept of race: Social science.
- Social distance scale in terms of racism.
- Harlem Renaissance: was it an anti-racist call or just art?
- National cultural identity: The essence and connection to racism.
- Implicit association test: Measuring attitudes toward race and ethnicity.
- Tell about the concepts of genocide and segregation.
- The role of the conflict theory in the framework of racism.
- Ethnic groups and discrimination.
- The significance of assimilation in the fight against racism.
- Write about the personality theory concerning racism.
- The phenomenon of inter-racism in the society.
Racism Argumentative Essay
An argumentative essay suggests that an author points out their opinion and proves its validity. In other words, with the help of arguments, the authors support their points of view.
Within the discourse of racial issues, there are diverse opinions. Topics for the research paper in an argumentative style you’ll find below.
- The extension of racism terms. Think of the importance of adjusting the language to social needs. Why is racism much more than it’s said in dictionaries?
- The racial equality progress didn’t improve much since the slavery abolition. Explore the statistics that prove it and the opinions of racial minorities representatives.
- Why is it essential to work together against racism? Elaborate on the role of communities in combating racial issues. Can each of us contribute to the situation improvement?
- The role of psychology in dismantling racism is enormous. How does psychology help understand the nature of bias? Explore how the psychological treatment approaches help address racism and its consequences.
- The Internet is a place where racism is widespread. Explore the impact that cyberbullying by race has on people. Why is it essential to control violent acts online?
- Criminal justice discrimination: Foster v. Chatman.
- Why witnessing racist behavior without acting against it is dangerous?
- African Americans’ civil rights: The role of the federal government and the Supreme Court.
- Academic racism: Why should philosophical works be revised?
- A belief that physical differences define a human must disappear.
- Teaching culturally and ethnically diverse learners in science classroom.
- The role of fashion editorials in embracing different cultures.
- The impact of slavery on identities of African Americans in the run-up to the Civil War.
- Tell about different racist establishments and why we need to stop them.
- How to fight racial discrimination appearing in the healthcare system?
- Nazi ideas didn’t stay in the past: They are still here and poisonous.
- Racial and cultural inequities in health.
- Facing racism can be disastrous for mental health.
- Can racism be considered a mental illness?
- Racial bias and racial profiling in law enforcement.
- Tell about racism among Latino people in Mexico.
- Cultural, ethnic, and gender differences at the workplace.
- What are the disastrous effects of racism?
- Racism is one of the evilest human sins.
- Will racism be a usual thing in the US forever?
- What is better for a country: A racist or anti-racist president?
- Mexican Americans’ struggle for integrated schools in the civil rights era.
- It’s time people of color took the domination in the US.
- The issue of race and ethnic groups.
- Will racial discrimination lead the world to a global war?
- Is Donald Trump a racist?
- Is it a crime to be a racist?
- How does racism spread among children and teens?
- Racial injustice and its impact on employees.
- Racism has different faces: Trade war.
- Are native Americans racists or victims of discrimination?
- Flint poisoning: Environmental racism and racial capitalism.
- What do racial discrimination and Holocaust have in common?
- How skin complexion affects African Americans.
- Does a person become a racist from childhood?
- Racial prejudices can’t be considered a sin due to religious beliefs.
- Race and class in the US criminal justice system.
- Do racial trait differences define a person?
- The decision to grant freedom to African Americans: Pros and cons.
- Does racism do anything good to society?
- The Trans-Atlantic African slave trade: What are the impacts and who is to blame?
- Why does racism still exist?
- Racial, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic issues in psychology.
- Is there any cure for racism?
- Radical Republicans and African Americans during Reconstruction.
- There should be anti-racism lessons in schools.
- Light, camera, action: Racism in cinematography is thriving.
- Gender and race discrimination at workplaces.
Racism Persuasive Essay
In a persuasive essay, you should prove a particular point of view and make the audience agree with it. It means using both facts and emotions to reach the goal.
Writing a racism essay, you can use some striking facts and stories. You can be sure there are a lot of provoking situations you’d like to talk about.
- Native Americans should be free of suffering. We took their lands off them and must stop suppressing their culture. Why are reservations sadistic? What can we do to help?
- Shaking hands, increased heart rate, anxiety, low self-esteem, and chronic stress. These are only a part of all consequences of racist aggression. What else should minorities’ representatives experience to make privileged white people wake up?
- Asians deserve better: Explore the question of racist prejudice against Asian people. They often get poorly treated and disrespected, but we rarely discuss it. Is it high time we changed this?
- The Ku Klux Klan is still alive and breathing. Why in the 21st century should we face the terrible legacy of this hate group? Should the government control it more? What can we do to eliminate it?
- Police brutality and racism: Why are these two concepts so interrelated in the USA? Can we do anything about it in a peaceful way? How can deaths from police violence be prevented?
- Native American women face discrimination that has to be stopped.
- Black neighborhoods are problematic, and it’s only our fault.
- Jim Crow and segregation era’s implications for modern African American history.
- Facts: There are no reasons or excuses for racism.
- Racist (like any other discriminative) advertisements should be abolished.
- Black Lives Matter: Racial perspectives on social media.
- Should there be special anti-racist training for school teachers?
- The problem of racism in the US.
- Why is it not enough to embrace different cultures on Netflix shows?
- African Americans and the American Revolution.
- George Floyd is an innocent man who died because of racism.
- Are the United States in real crisis in terms of racial inequality?
- Why is keeping silent one of the major missteps in addressing racism?
- Are all hate crimes in the US based on racism?
- Discrimination in the criminal justice system: Why we should address this issue.
- Race doesn’t serve any purpose in modern society.
- The African American women stereotyping in media.
- “Irishness”: Tell why this concept should be considered racist.
- Racism and sexism: does racial discrimination have gender preferences?
- Islamophobia is another type of racial discrimination.
- How to prevent African American males from dropping out of high school.
- There are a lot of social processes that support racism.
- Race-related stress makes society dysfunctional.
- Immigration and racial profiling and the role of law enforcement.
- The segregation of Native Americans is wrong in its roots.
- The African American civil rights movement history: Its effects on today’s America.
- Neglecting racism issues brings corruption to society.
- Social media have a significant influence on the perception of racism.
- Should people become more compassionate towards racial minorities?
- African American teachers in segregated schools in the US.
- Sex workers face racial discrimination, and it’s a problem.
- What is wrong with commercials and advertisements in terms of racism?
- List of privileges and ways I have experienced and demonstrated racism.
- The mental health of people of color suffers a lot from racism.
- Educators shouldn’t spread myths about races.
- The historical progression of African Americans.
- The civil rights movement: History and impact.
- Discrimination against minority groups, races, and ethnic groups.
- Was Barack Obama proof that there is no racism in the US?
- Key events in African American civil rights movement and their impact.
- How can each of us fight racism in everyday life?
- Problem of discrimination in nursing.
- Can racism be justified in any case?
- Women in hijabs shouldn’t suffer from discrimination.
Racism Topics for Research Paper
Here you can find deeper topics for your research paper on racism and discrimination. The approach of this type is more serious and scientific.
- Ethnic differences in mental health service use.
- Analyze unfair judicial practices concerning racial prejudices.
- Elaborate on Desmond Tutu’s words about injustice.
- Hispanic Americans facing discrimination.
- Explore the racism manifestations in various establishments: In football, in schools, in sports, and in the workplace.
- Ethnicity and religion impact on the second language acquisition of Muslims males.
- The race theory: What do we know about it?
- Immigration and racism in Canada.
- President Lyndon Johnson said: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best-colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.” How can these words be interpreted?
- Racial struggles in Detroit during riots of 1967.
- Disparities in COVID infections: How racial inequality affects health care?
- Racial profiling and its use at police stops and in crime reduction.
- What are the actions political leaders should take to address racism?
- The effects of police racial profiling on people’s attitudes.
- Study the question of oversimplification of racism in the US.
- Black lives matter: What changes did this establishment bring to society?
- The fashion industry and racism: have the attitudes changed over the last 20 years?
- Race and crime: Is there a correlation?
- Why are Black Americans more inclined to die from cancer and heart diseases?
- Ethnic minority group investigation: Mexican Americans.
- Pregnancy-related death causes and racism: Why Black women are treated differently?
- Africans in America – the growth of slavery in the 1600s and 1700s.
- Are there any ways to low down the infant death mortality rate among Black kids?
- Policy: Overcoming racial profiling.
- Compare the range of racist attitudes in Canada and the USA.
- Has race relations improved since the Civil War?
- How does the individual approach win over generalizing in racial issues discussions?
- Shifting morality in race and education.
- Make a review of three books on inclusion and embracing diversity.
- How does racism reflect in hiring and promotion practices?
- What perspectives does the US have in terms of racial equality?
- Racial discrimination of African Americans during Jim Crow’s era.
- Why do middle-class Black Americans have worse health conditions than white working-class citizens?
- The evolving role of HBCUs in resolving racial tensions.
- Explore the history of racism in the USA.
- African American history: Lost and rewritten.
- Tell about the prominent figures who toiled against racism.
- How can education be made more equitable for students of color?
- How did Darwin’s research influence racism?
- Ethnic minorities and the graduate labour market.
- For which groups is racism beneficial?
- Social status of African-Americans during 1920-2000.
- How is racism reflected in pop culture?
- How racial segregation contributes to concentrated poverty in minority communities.
- What are the consequences of racism in sports?
- The African-American struggle for civil rights in Texas.
- How does systemic racism reflect in political institutions?
- Racism impact on African-American communities in the US.
- Elaborate on Martin King Jr’s impact on racial equality.
- Race discrimination: Aspects and effects.
- Explore the history of racism in the UK.
- Racial tensions in contemporary America.
- Tell about the impact of racial discrimination on workers in the 50s.
- Ethnicity studies in counseling for schizophrenia.
- Does racism slow down the progress in society?
- What did Fidel Castro do to eliminate discrimination in Cuba?
- How is poverty in black neighborhoods connected with racism?
- Chinese Americans: History and discrimination.
- Do anthropological studies improve the situation with racism?
- African American women obtaining higher education.
- Explore the history of racism in Australia.
- Discuss the heritage and value of African American literature.
- How has police brutality been revealed for the recent ten years?
- Racial and ethnic minorities in the United States and their health care problems.
- Explore the essence of scientific racism.
- Terrorism, race, and the criminal justice in America.
- The effects of ethnic stratification on social institutions.
- Incarceration rates among racial & ethnic minorities.
- Write about social constructions of “race” and “racism.”
- Racial discrimination practices in recruitment and selection.
- What is the impact of racism and antisemitism on society?
- Equal opportunities and gender, age and race in the UK.
Racism Essay Topics in Literature
Art, culture, and literature are susceptible to any social phenomena. You can always trace the sociocultural background in the works of art. In this section, we’ve got literature topics for a racism definition essay and other types of paper.

To Kill a Mockingbird Racism Essay Topics
- Hypocrisy and racism – how are they connected in the novel? Explore the underneath reasons for racial prejudice in Maycomb, such as vacancy of thought and lack of empathy.
- Institutional racism in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Is it fair to consider the book an anti-racist moral call while written from a privileged white perspective?
- Racism is everywhere: Speak on how institutional racism is seen at Scout’s school. Why do teachers showcase discriminatory behavior instead of tolerance and justice to children?
- “Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they’re people, too.” Is it possible to grow up from sensitive children into sensitive adults?
- Seventeen shots in the back, the end: Why don’t we observe the feelings, grief, and thoughts of Black people in the novel? For instance, Tom Robinson, his wife, and children, Calpurnia – their personalities are hardly revealed.
- Did Tom Robinson have a chance to be pleaded innocent?
- What is wrong with the missionary tea party?
- How Harper Lee’s life is reflected in To Kill a Mockingbird?
- Is Atticus Finch a role model for any white man?
- What are the ways Harper Lee shows prejudices in her novel?
- Compare the situation with racism back in the 1930s with the current state of things.
- What is the drama of the Dolphus Raymond family?
- Describe how Black characters are depicted in the book.
- Analyze Aunt Alexandra’s character, her racist prejudices, and narrow-mindedness.
- Is “To Kill a Mockingbird” a racist or anti-racist book?
- Boo Radley: How does prejudice reflect on white citizens?
Racism in Othello Essay Topics
- Explore the difference between racism depiction in Shakespeare’s play and movies. How did different directors avoid racism topic in their films? Why is it a problem?
- Analyze the portrayal of Othello in the play: The cruel, dull Moor, the Other. What attitude of a man of color is perceived through these characteristics?
- Explore Othello’s self-perception depicted by Shakespeare. Why is it problematic that he expresses insecurity due to his blackness? What is wrong with the way the author presents Othello’s self-hatred?
- “There is no racism without language,” – said Derrida. Analyze the language means used in the play to reflect racial prejudices: thick lips, an old black ram, and others.
- Othello: The racial issues in the play.
- How does the character of Brabantio express racism?
- Talk about racist and sexist issues in the play.
- How can racial discrimination ruin the lives of two people in love?
- Why is “Othello” a tragedy of racial conflict more than jealousy?
- What are the different forms in which racism shows up in the play?
- The Otherness of Othello: Is it racism or a literary device?
- How are the racist views in England reflected in the play?
- Is Shakespeare’s portrayal of a Black man adequate?
- Can we say that the main protagonist of the play was a racist?
- Why “Othello” is a controversial play in terms of racism?
Racism in Huckleberry Finn Essay Topics
- Explore and analyze the literary critics of “Huckleberry Finn.” Why was the book banned and censored for years? Is it coarse, ill-cultured, and obscene?
- An absolute masterpiece: Analyze the positive reviews on the book by Lionel Trifling and T. S. Eliot. What impact does this critique have on the perception of the novel?
- Desegregation and the civil rights movement. Tell about social events that co-occurred with including the book into the school curricula.
- Racism affects and distorts the morality of both aggressors and victims. Explore how the author exposes this idea in the novel.
- Huck Finn is fighting with dissonance in his mind. He is sympathetic towards people of color and shows a racist attitude at the same time. What does this tell us about?
- How is the hypocrisy of middle-class society shown in the book?
- Satire in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Should we accuse Mark Twain of racism?
- “Racially offensive tone”: what were the reasons for the book’s struggle with censorship?
- Describe how the Black characters are depicted in the novel.
- A slave owner and a Christian: reveal the racist character of Mrs. Watson in the novel.
- Can we call a book racist for the repetition of the word ‘nigger’ in it?
- What lessons can be learned from the story of Huck Finn?
- How does Mark Twain show the derogatory impact of racism on society?
- How do the feelings of guilt and shame help Huck to get mature?
- Can we say that Mrs. Judith Loftus is sympathetic to people of color?
- Why is Huck’s Pap not only the greatest villain but also a dreadful racist?
💡 Racism Essay Examples
Not to beat around the bush, here’re actual race essay examples. Our experts have chosen two very different topics to demonstrate how broad your opportunities are.
Racism Definition Essay: on Racism and Discrimination
If there is a choice to speak about racism or not, it’s better to speak. Maybe, this way, we could change the sad statistics which say the relations between white and Black Americans are at their lowest point for the recent twenty years. To speak of racism and discrimination, one should clearly understand their meaning, origin, and changes. However, it’s not that easy to say what racism is because it has numerous faces. First of all, it’s a problem, inducing disparities, violence, misunderstanding, and suffering. Besides, we reckon, the word ‘prejudice’ reflects the essence of racial discrimination. Thus, we can say that discrimination based on racial differences is prejudiced mistreatment of a person of color. The very thought of bias due to a particular skin color or hair texture seems absurd. However, the issue is enormous and old. Racially ill philosophy appeared a long time ago. People have believed that physical and biological traits define personal ones for hundreds of years. This is another reason it’s so difficult to get rid of racism – it’s an ancient evil. Thriving in the times of colonization, racism has spread greatly by the 18th century. North American and European colonizers had to make up some beliefs that could eliminate contradictions. They proclaimed America as the country of human equality and dignity and enslaved African folks simultaneously. Thus, the idea of dehumanization of those who were enslaved seemed an escape. That’s why it’s vital to understand the roots of racism and all its faces to combat it successfully. The first step is to admit the issue and take off the disguise it may hide under.
To Kill a Mockingbird Racism Argumentative Essay
“I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” These words, said by a little girl, must be a lesson to all adults living in a world full of prejudices. Indeed, how come people still judge each other by skin color or hair texture after hundreds of years of cultured society? The book teaches humanism, justice, and kindness, although not all of its characters are kind and fair. However, we can learn a lot about racism issues that unfortunately didn’t lose their acuteness. The point is that racial discrimination is disastrous and devastating. It should be eliminated from the very basics of human minds and souls. It’s pretty disappointing to watch such a dramatic plot unfolding in the south of 20 century America. People there were used to racial discrimination due to historical context. However, we can see that racism is a surface issue under which there are many others. The reason for prejudice lies in the narrow-mindedness and lack of sympathy. Vacancy of thought and rigidness don’t allow people to act fair-hearted. If we recollect Aunt Alexandra feeling sympathetic towards the non-existence tribe somewhere in Africa, we can notice how detached from the real things she is. Her tunnel vision doesn’t let her see what happens around: for example, that accusation of the innocent Black man goes pretty well with her. The huge drama is that a decaying community prefers to escape from the problems like poverty, dullness, and outdated traditions. People blame someone for their physical difference to keep a blind eye on their shortcomings. We definitely should become more educated, not only in practical knowledge but also in terms of humanism and emotional intelligence. This is the first step to a healthier society.
If you want to get assistance with your paper about racism, approach our team. Our academic experts can help with any assignment.
We were happy to provide you with all this information.
Let’s learn more about the current issues and fight racism together!
Good luck with your writing!