Since Ancient Greece, rhetoric remained to be the cornerstone of comprehensive education. Debates teach you to:
- defend your point of view,
- choose the correct arguments,
- provide evidence.
This article features a selection of easy persuasive essay topics, as well as those more challenging.
💬 What Is Persuasive Writing?
Persuasive writing in essays attempts to convince the readers that the author’s opinion is the only right one. And while argumentative and opinion essays admit the possibility of a different point of view, persuasive essays are more self-centered and less tolerant.
For example, in an argumentative essay, you would explain why children make our life more fulfilled. But in a persuasive essay, you would rather fight against child-free families.
🤔 Persuasive Essay Topic: How to Choose
The following questions will guide you to the most suitable topic:
- Does the debatable question match the expected length of your paper? (Be sure to find out)
- Does the persuasive essay topic require more generalization or analysis? (Opt for the second)
- Does the issue raise an emotional response in your heart? (A positive answer will be an asset)
- Is there enough material available on the topic? (Your answer should be yes)
- Is it a threadbare issue? (Never choose such research questions)
We insistently recommend you to feel free to change your topic as soon as you find out it was a wrong choice. The sooner – the better.
Below you’ll find a large collection of challenging and easy persuasive essay topics. Feel free to use them as they are or get inspiration to formulate your own topic. If you still have difficulties with that, you might want to use our free essay topic generator to get more options.
🙋 Easy Persuasive Essay Topics
Animal Persuasive Essay Topics
- Breeding mutating breeds creates animals with more diseases.
- The rights of stray animals must be equal to the rights of pets.
- Animal Rights: Controversial Issues.
- The development of animal rights movements from the 1950s to the present day is not structured.
- Urbanization advances animal cruelty.
- Ethical Issues of Animal Research in Cosmetic Firm.
- The poaching of wild animals should be punished more severely.
- Animal Exploitation. Animal Agriculture and Climate Change.
- Children growing up in families with animals grow to be more humane.
- There is no alternative to animal testing of drugs.
- Animal and Human Rights Interpersonal Comparison.
- Bullfighting (corrida) in all its forms is outdated.
- Animals in Scientific Research: Is It Humanly?
- We should produce more artificial milk.
- Farming, Animal Consumption and Environment.
- Hunting is a semi-natural way to control the population of wild species.
- Schools should have pets to teach children how to take care of them.
- Pets should be sterilized for longer and healthier life.
- Endangered animals will disappear sooner or later.
- Fur and leather production turns humanity into a primitive society.
- Should cosmetic testing on animals be banned?
- Animal rights for a dignified existence are within our power.
- We are responsible for those we have tamed.
- Caring for animals is the key to a proper human upbringing.
- Animal experimentation and struggle to abolish it.
- Respect for animals increases human intelligence.
- A zoo is a utopian idea of saving animals.
- Genetically modified organisms: ethical issues.
- Are animals the most violent creatures on Earth?
- Controversy: Animals in Research.
- Does natural evolution consider animal health as breeding does?
- Genetic polymorphism: A choice of fashion and demand?
- Should we protect animal rights with a constitution as human rights?
- Our love for animals is an insufficient reason to lock them in our homes.
- Animals should have moral and legal rights for painless existence.
- Why should we ban the exploitation of animals in circuses?
- Pitting animals against each other should be forbidden by law.
- Animal experimentation: ethical and practical issues
- We should punish households who throw their pets into the street.
- Equal Consideration of Human and Animal Interests.
- We should leave wild animals in peace, protecting only their habitats.
- The abolition of meat farms is a question of time.
- The Animal Rights Movement.
- The use of pesticides in crop production kills not only insects.
- The Animals Film on Drug Addiction.
- Humanity is an exploiter of fauna.
- Environmental Ethics: the Case for Animal Rights.
- We are far from ensuring animal rights because businesses do not benefit from that.
- The Problems With Farming and Animal Consumption.
- If we had to kill an animal to cook every meal, we would become vegetarians before long.
- Animals are not your entertainment.
- Animal Rights and Its Importance.
- Pigs are highly intelligent and can have a complex social life among their species.
- Concern About GM Crops and Animals and Their Health Impact on Human Beings.
- Domestic animals have a similar level of biological complexity to that of humans.
- Animals who are bred for meet know what is happening.
- The Migration of Animals and Transmission of Parasites.
- Most religions treat animals as servants to human beings.
- Animals should have moral rights not because they know what morality is but because we do.
Sports Persuasive Essay Topics
- Should soccer goalkeepers have better body protection?
- Sports Events, Organizations and Management.
- Hockey: The most traumatic sport.
- Gender Bias in Professional Sports.
- The side effects of food additives for sportspeople.
- Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports.
- Is car racing a sport or an expensive hobby?
- Sports and Energy Drinks Marketing.
- Sports is a means to develop international relations.
- Economic Impact of Professional Sports.
- Do sports build tolerance, respect, and friendship in children?
- Sports Marketing and Management.
- Sports are powerful leverages to raise women’s rights.
- Ethics in Sports: Foul Strategy Usage.
- Can doctors prescribe going in for sports as a treatment?
- Professional Sports Activities’ Socioeconomic Impact.
- Is professional sport an alternative for higher education for youth?
- Sports give us priceless instruments to establish peace all over the world.
- Sports. College Football Championship.
- Do sports impact global warming?
- Can sports be a self-financing sphere of activity?
- The future of snowboard.
- Should we make sports compulsory in schools and colleges to raise a healthier nation?
- What makes people who never practiced any sports watch them on TV?
- Do sports make you a better human or a less competitive professional?
- Sports: Art or business?
- Salary discrimination in NBA.
- Sexualization of gymnasts’ outfits.
- Women’s achievements in traditionally “male” sports are underrepresented.
- Equal access to funding could beat gender inequality in sports.
- Paralympic Games: A veil of a nightmare of disability.
- Doping issue in sports.
- Is instrumental aggression indispensable in all combat sports?
- Sports is the only sphere that allows humans to reach their highest potential.
- Sports Health Education Instructional Program at the University of Jeddah.
- Do character traits and temperament types define your success in sports?
- At some point, no world records will be possible without dope.
- Ethics in sports industry and engineering.
- Can men and women compete in the same kind of sports?
- Sports highlight the difference between genders too much.
- Masculinity dominates in sports.
- Sports news discriminate and objectivize women.
- Cheerleaders: Is it a dance or a sport?
- What is currently the most unbreakable world record?
- Sports Events: Hawthorn vs. Collingwood Match.
- COVID-19 hit hard on the sports industry.
- Is it too late to start doing sports for adults?
- American culture reflection in sport.
- Are sports worth those traumas and wasted youth?
- If only those who break the rules succeed, why doesn’t it work in sports?
- Sports Nutrition Company’s Strategic Management.
- Should we measure an athlete’s success by their performance at championships?
- Why is soccer not as popular as football in the US?
- Sports and Big Business Relationship.
- Should college teams have a chance to compete with professional teams?
- Sportspeople should donate a share of their salaries to charity.
- The Sports Management Techniques.
- Is it worth it for countries to host Olympic games?
- Company Analysis Sports Directt Plc.
- Professional sports are growing to become dangerous.
Persuasive Topics about Music
- Music is representational art.
- Heavy Metal Music Gender Trends.
- Compulsory or subsidized music education will give us a generation of brilliant people.
- Country music and folk music is the same.
- Sound Analysis and Aural Experiences from Music.
- Listening to aggressive music in a car harms your driving style.
- Popular Music in the Modern Culture.
- It is a myth that classical music affects plant growth because otherwise, all farmers would use it.
- Why do some religions consider music sinful in some instances?
- Music Therapy and Its Effects on Elderly People.
- Doing intellectual work while listening to music reduces your productivity.
- Mozart was the pop music composer of his time.
- Michael Jackson is more of a legend than a prominent musician.
- Social Commentary in Pop Music Industry.
- All totalitarian countries used music to motivate their people.
- Why are some tunes more addictive than others?
- Social Use of Music in Contemporary American Society.
- Music is a smooth form of hypnosis.
- The music you like tells a lot about you.
- Music industry: the downfall caused by technology.
- Each generation likes the music they listened to in their youth.
- Sometimes music can ruin one’s life.
- The Effects of Hip-Hop, Rap Music on Young Women in Academia.
- Violence-inspiring songs should be banned.
- Music, media and culture influence on behavior.
- Most talented musicians had a challenging life.
- Technology is killing live music slowly but steadily.
- The National Centre of Popular Music.
- The focus of the public has shifted from music and lyrics to videos with naked female bodies.
- Can music help in treating mental diseases?
- Personality traits and musical elements preferences.
- Music is a mirror that reflects the true face of society.
- Minimalism in Music and Its Development.
- It is never too late for adults to learn how to make music.
- Sociology of Music: What Music Means in Our Life.
- What is so special about Vietnam war epoch music?
- Hip-hop is not music; it is lyrics.
- Music should be used for the rehabilitation of prisoners.
- Popular Music and Its Impact on the Economy and Politics.
- The price of music on the App Store is inflated.
- Should music be on in public transport?
- African music’s contribution to contemporary genres.
- “The Beatles” were the first group to bring worldwide attention to British music.
- Can music instigate suicidal thoughts?
- Hip-hop culture: what philosophy to choose?
- American and British musicians get higher salaries than those of any other nationalities.
- Improving Customer Service in a Nigerian Musical Instrument Company.
- Which is more beneficial for children: Dancing or making music?
- Feminism in the hip-hop culture.
- Music is a universal language that unites people.
- Studying Music Evolution.
- A career in classical music is a challenging path nowadays.
- Music Paper: The Type of Music Jazz.
- Does playing music require more talent or skill?
- Frank Zappa: composer & social critic.
- When does music become irritating?
- Music is another way to procrastinate doing one’s job.
- Use of Music in Classrooms of in-Service Teachers.
- Should offices allow background music?
- The effect of music on culture.
- There are no more girls’ groups like “Spice Girls” anymore.
- Why do people hate Justin Bieber?
- The modern music world is almost sexism-free.
👨🎓️ More Challenging Persuasive Essay Topics
Technology Persuasive Essay Topics
- Smart homes: Give up your privacy for convenience.
- Are smart devices helpful or annoying?
- You cannot program a computer to be creative.
- SpaceX is the most important project of our era.
- In the future, we will all become computerized creatures.
- Everything in the world can be made using a 3D printer.
- Will artificial intelligence ever start its independent research?
- Mobile phone producers should cooperate with the police to track criminals by their fingerprints.
- Quantum technologies give rise to entirely new jobs.
- Cyberattacks on hospitals: Who is the beneficiary?
- Information technology and society.
- We depend on technologies more than on each other.
- The danger of social media for kids.
- What is an art since computers can paint as genius artists?
- Technology and its impact on teaching.
- In a couple of decades, everything will be electrified.
- Technologies will never replace some professions.
- Media violence laws and their effectiveness.
- Can virtual reality make people more empathetic?
- Social networks as a revolutionary technology.
- Do technologies make our world a safer place?
- Think of the best way to use genetic engineering.
- Should phones and social media be banned in classrooms?
- How much do technologies define who we are?
- Information technology influences business.
- What is the long-term impact of living in a highly technological world?
- Does social media resolve or create problems?
- Social media: ethical issues and theories.
- Do you think the governments of North Korea and China will keep their monopoly over Internet access for years to come?
- Technology impacts on new generation of children.
- Will technologies make emerging countries even poorer?
- AI won’t solve our problems because we created it in our image and likeness.
- Are social media and networking good for society?
- Does our vision of the world influence the choice of technologies we strive to create?
- COVID has made us more dependent on technologies.
- Energy, technology and climate change.
- Internet addiction will gradually become a norm.
- Will self-driving cars eliminate the profession of a driver?
- Women’s media image and urge for cosmetic surgery.
- Humanity will reach a point where further scientific developments should have to be banned.
- Will brain-controlling technologies change our society?
- Social media role in promoting social change.
Business Persuasive Essay Topics
- If you get something for free, you are the product.
- Social Media and the Business Community.
- Who is the beneficiary of sophisticated domestic appliances: You or the selling company?
- UK Hotel Industry’s Business Environment.
- Gender inequality harms the economy.
- Twitter’s Business Strategy and Financial Performance.
- Should we force businesses to help the poor?
- How Do Successful Businesses Use ICT?
- Business offices will disappear in about a century, giving way to work from home.
- Effective Risk Management in Business.
- Multinational companies are a perfect place for bullying.
- Social Responsibility in Society and Business.
- Does a given dress code influence your productivity while working from home?
- The Importance of Non-Compete Agreement in Business.
- Business Competitive Strategies.
- Dating of colleagues is not an issue for the employer.
- Government Help in Business Environment Development.
- Social media is the thief of your business time.
- Forms of Business Organization and Financial Statements.
- Self-employed workers are more productive.
- Leadership and performance in the workplace.
- Is your MBA worth its cost?
- Expert System Software in Business Decision-Making.
- All management should pass a lie detector test from time to time.
- The Role of IT in the Business Process.
- Financial incentives are weaker than emotional ones.
- The truth about corporate social responsibility.
- It is impossible to bring gender equality to business.
- Strategy Application in Business.
- Do you think gender quotas are beneficial for a business?
- Career aids: useful inventories or pseudo-science?
- Small businesses should pay low or no taxes as it creates workplaces.
- Social Media Benefits for Business Marketing.
- In democratic states, political candidates should not be subsidized by large corporations.
- Business Intelligence and Information Architecture.
- Paternity leave should not be optional.
- Cultural, ethnic, gender differences at the workplace.
- We should reconsider the notion of advertisements as now they are a waste of time for consumers.
- Steve Jobs as an unconventional leader.
- Open-space offices: A nightmare for introverted people.
- Coca-Cola Company: Business Environment Challenges.
- A family business is an influential factor that keeps the pair together.
- Diversity at the workplace.
- It is a question of time until all cash becomes digital.
- Common ethical problems in business.
- Corporations should create their own business schools.
- The Effects of Diverse Culture of a Business in UAE.
- Can fewer working days per week make a company gain more?
- Professional Business Manager: Organizational Behavior.
- Job burnout is the most severe threat for modern businesses.
- What makes a leader in business?
- Job interviews fail to show an actual picture of a candidate.
- Managing Change and Its Impact on the Business.
- Does the place of negotiations influence their outcome?
- Gender wage gap and inequality.
- What is the leading cause of business failures?
- Ethics and morals role in business.
- What does it mean to make a successful presentation?
- Emotional intelligence role in successful leadership.
- Why shouldn’t you feel uncomfortable when firing someone?
- Importance of Information Security in Business.
Education Persuasive Essay Topics
- Should parents do homework with their kids at home?
- Educational Technology for Students’ Learning.
- Gender-neutral education is our future.
- Early Childhood Education Activities and Trends.
- Standardized testing never shows the real knowledge of the subject.
- Does the level of education define you as a person?
- Adult Education, Its Objectives and Approaches.
- Is online education a viable alternative to in-class studies?
- Child Development and Education.
- Online education is the only opportunity for talented children in third-world countries.
- Chinese vs. American Education System.
- Which leadership style is good enough to be taught at high school?
- Computers’ Role in Modern Education.
- We should treat children as if they already were adults.
- Mobile Education: a Literature Review.
- Internships should be compulsory for students.
- Problems facing new teachers.
- Middle schools should have more play-based and fun classes.
- Is a university degree a must for a well-paid job?
- When should children start school?
- Boarding schools are good for parents, not children.
- Classroom management: creating positive learning environments.
- Is it reasonable to ban cell phones at schools?
- Educational Research: Philosophical Approaches.
- There should be no religious classes in schools.
- Can homeschooling be a better option?
- The impact of education on society.
- Is learning a second language at college a waste of time?
- Online Education as an Effective Alternative to Traditional Learning.
- Public speaking skills are the most critical thing one learns at college.
- Facets of e-learning in education.
- Should governments decide what schools should or should not teach their students?
- Students and Their Educational Needs.
- Female students should be encouraged to study STEM subjects.
- Music Education Pre-Service and Beginning Teachers’ Learnin.
- Politics should not be discussed in educational institutions.
- Students’ attitudes towards paid & free education.
- Peer pressure: The end of motivation.
- Teachers should consider the family situation of their students.
- No Child Left Behind Act and American Education.
- Uniforms do not influence academic performance.
- Ethical issue in education: cheating in schools.
- Emotional connection with students is essential for a teacher.
- Formal Versus Informal Assessments in Education.
- Calligraphy should be taught even though most people type.
- College cost, student loans and fundraising.
- Girls are more dress coded at schools than boys.
- Inclusive education: ideals and reality.
- E-books are a lousy alternative to paper books.
- Should we allow children to stay at home when they don’t want to go to school?
- Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Students and Education.
- Student engagement in class depends on the professor’s soft skills.
- Technology integration in special needs education.
- At what age should we choose our career path?
- A College Education: The Importance of Obtaining.
🌶️ Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics
- Everyone procrastinates on something in their lives.
- As most severe diseases become less deadly, we are growing a less healthy nation.
- The intention to have another child after giving birth to one with disabilities is an attempt to recompense.
- Celebrities don’t give young girls a choice to decide how they want to look.
- Are women expected to look and act like children?
- Bullying harms both its victims and bullies.
- Our lives consist of coincidences.
- Does humanity need human cloning?
- Will genetic engineering change the value of life?
- There should be no limitations for human research.
- Physician-assisted suicide: a challenge for living.
- Voting rights should depend on the amount of taxes paid and education level.
- The existence of religious books does not prove the existence of God.
- Should human organs be legally sold?
- Is it morally wrong to use genetic engineering while planning a child?
- Ethical dilemma and racism in healthcare leadership.
- Should we give painkillers to people on the verge of death?
- Bioethics of organ donors and transplant trade.
- Do organ donors feel anything after their brain dies?
- Can we use animal tissues to treat people?
- Parent refusal of life-saving treatments.
- Today, more people die of obesity than hunger.
- Should healthcare be more expensive for people with obesity?
- Abortion is not morally correct.
- Guaranteed minimum income deprives people of motivation to work.
- The millennials are the least motivated generation.
- Climate change is more dangerous than the third world war.
- Parents of adopted children would never treat them as their own.
- Abortion: pro-life position.
- We can beat lung cancer only by banning smoking and selling cigarettes.
- It will take many years until alternative energy replaces fossil fuels.
- Abortion: arguments for the defense.
- Historians will call 2024 is a breakthrough year in multiple spheres.
- Euthanasia: ethical issue, reasons for and against euthanasia.
- The social impact of accepting refugees surpasses the moral obligation for doing so.
- Are gender-neutral toys good for children?
- Opinion leaders from social media should be regulated.
- Stem cell research: opponents and supporters.
- It should be illegal to force underage children to eat only vegan food.
- Holographic models of the deceased can help people overcome their loss.
- Assisted suicide and reasons against it.
We hope that the collection above will be useful for you. Remember that choosing a suitable topic is the initial step. After doing that, you will still have to outline your paper and think of a convincing thesis statement. By the way, you are welcome to use our thesis generator if you are stuck with the latter task.
❓ Persuasive Essay Topics: FAQ
What Is the Purpose of a Persuasive Essay?
As far as persuasive essays traditionally express an opinion on a debatable topic, their purpose is to convince the reader that the author’s vision is correct. In a broader meaning, this genre creates an atmosphere where the reader can try on the author’s point of view to see if such an approach makes sense.
How to Write a Persuasive Essay?
1. Choose a debatable or controversial topic for persuasive essays. 2. Study the issue and the available opinions. 3. Take a side that attracts you the most. 4. Outline your argumentation: why is this opinion the only valid one? 5. Write an essay following your outline.
Outline How to Start off a Persuasive Essay.
1. Introduce a relevant hook to make the reader interested in your essay. 2. Describe the background of the chosen persuasive writing topic. 3. Narrow the background and introduce the debatable issue. 4. Formulate a good thesis statement that explains the purposes of your writing.
How to End a Persuasive Essay?
You can use one of the following strategies alone or in combination with each other: 1. A summary of the main points. 2. A provocative or rhetorical question. 3. A related quotation. 4. Evoking a vivid image. 5. A call for action or further research on the topic. 6. A description of the scenario if nothing changes. 7. Universalizing (comparison to other similar situations).
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