Environment issues essay aims at spreading awareness of pollution problems, climate change, global warming, and many other issues. It is a common type of essay for writing parts of a lot of exams. Environment protection essay is also assigned to high school and college students.
In this article, you will find out:
- Current TOP-7 environment issues
- 184 environment essay topics
- How to outline your essay
- Different essay writing tips
- 4 essay examples
🌎 Environment Issues Essay – What Is It About?
Ecology has always played a significant role in all people’s lives. We all depend on it, but unfortunately, more and more environmental problems occur each year. They affect nature and our way of life. To stop the spread of these issues, we need to get to know them first.
Top 7 Environmental Issues of 2025
Here’s the list of some relevant environmental issues that take place in the modern world. Before writing your paper, you might want to learn as much information on the topic as you can. Let’s take a closer look at each of the issues, their causes and effects.

Each year there are fewer trees and forests. Why is it happening?
According to World Population Balance, the U.S. population grows by over a million people each year. An increasing number of people leads to the growing demand for land for living, agriculture, highways, etc. We have no other option but to cut the amount of open land, which leads to deforestation.
Plastic Pollution
Plastic may seem a suitable material: it is flexible, cheap, and strong. However, plastic is also hazardous and toxic to the environment. According to National Geographic, 91% of all the plastic ever produced hasn’t been recycled. It takes around 400 years for it to decompose, so it continues to pollute nature.
Food Waste
Each year, around one-third of food produced worldwide gets wasted. This amount is enough to feed about 3 billion people.
Food waste also leads to the waste of resources, global warming, and climate change.
Why do people waste food? It might be happening unintentionally. For example, when you leave last bites on your plate or throw away the leftovers that you couldn’t manage.
Air Pollution
According to Worldwide Health Organization, around 7 million people die due to air pollution annually. It causes lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.
What causes air pollution?
There are numerous reasons: outdoor pollution such as vehicles, industries, and agriculture. Household air pollution like exposure to smoke from cooking or heating might also be one of the reasons.
Global Warming
The rise of temperature causes a lot of different adverse effects on the world. It causes:
- climate change
- glaciers melting
- crop-destroying
- wildfires
- insect swarming
- deforestation
- ice shelves collapsing
- tropical storms, and many other issues
Recent events such as wildfires in Australia and California result from global warming too.
Biodiversity Loss
As humankind continues its development, it overuses resources from nature. Since agriculture needs more systems each year, people turn forests, fields, and other natural habitats into them. It leads to biodiversity loss. Some species’ population has decreased dramatically by 68% from 1970 to 2016.
Melting Ice Caps
Melting ice caps is also a serious issue because it’s the main reason for the sea-level rise. It mainly concerns the Arctic since this is where climate change has the most significant negative impact. The sea level rise might affect coastal regions by flooding them. Moreover, it might force around 340 million to 480 million people to migrate and cause overpopulation.
💡 184 Environmental Essay Topics
If you’re struggling with choosing your environmental issues essay topics, here’s the list of 184 essay topics ideas. It is better to choose something you’re genuinely interested in.
- How does melting ice caps affect the rising sea level?
- Renewable sources of energy: Controversies.
- The correlation between population growth and deforestation.
- The environment pollution in the US.
- How does plastic affect nature?
- American Indian environmental movement in Arizona.
- The danger of food waste and the ways to prevent it.
- Environment: Sustainable development in Abu Dhabi.
- Dangerous effects of air pollution.
- Environment: Greenhouse gases and hydrological cycles.
- Harmful effects of global warming.
- The science of global warming and its effects.
- Biodiversity loss: Causes and effects.
- Water pollution and associated health risks.
- The correlation between climate change and melting ice caps.
- Environmental ethics: The case for animal rights.
- How can we improve agriculture?
- Environmental issues and plastic industries.
- Human impact on nature.
- Environmental security: Global warming and pollution.
- Environmentalist movements and their impact on politics.
- Environmental damage because of oil spills.
- Ecotourism and its benefits.
- Water pollution in China.
- The pros and cons of nuclear energy.
- Farming, animal consumption, and environment.
- The correlation between globalization and ecological issues.
- The global climate change as a manmade disaster.
- How to save the world from air pollution?
- The evolution of insect wings in response to environmental changes.
- How does our lifestyle affect the environment?
- Water resource problem and its causes.
- The importance of waste management and recycling.
- Global warming in Australia: Environmental health.
- Production and consumption impact on the environment.
- Environmental racism and justice.
- How dangerous is microplastic?
- Global warming policies and options.
- How can zero-waste help our planet?
- Scope of improvement of the environmental impact of air travel.
- The advantages of green engineering.
- Renewable energy sources controversies.
- What is earth day, and why is it important?
- Environmental impacts of Heathrow Airport: Demand for a strategic sustainable transport.
- Social impact on climate change.
- Waste handling and control as fundamental phenomena.
- Healthy lifestyle habits and their impact on the environment.
- The role of waste management in the environment.
- The most vulnerable regions to the rising sea level.
- Global warming: Human vs. natural causes.
- The change of the average air temperature in my area.
- Implementing environmental sustainability in Dubai.
- Acid rain: Causes and effects.
- Sustainability and waste management.
- Social and environmental sciences connection.
- Environmental governance and institutional arrangements in Niger Delta oil spills.
- Conservation projects in my region.
- Solar panels and their advantages.
- Pandas’ extinction and how we can prevent it.
- Sustainability in the built environment.
- What is an ecosystem, and how does it work?
- Maritime risk assessment and environmental management.
- Melting glaciers and their impact on the environment.
- Alternative fuels and the US nation development.
- The correlation between climate change and natural disasters.
- The noise pollution: Negative effects.
- Why is ocean acidification dangerous?
- Changing ecosystems: Effects of global warming.
- Climate crisis and climate refugees.
- Global warming: A real danger or a hoax?
- How climate change impacts agriculture.
- Ocean wave energy technologies.
- The greenhouse effect and how it works.
- The real effects of greenhouse gases.
- The ways to prevent global warming.
- The water-energy-food nexus and problem mitigation.
- Deforestation and its impact on climate.
- Gulf oil spill: facts, causes, response, effects.
- How does tree planting affect climate change?
- Alternative energy sources vs. fossil fuels.
- The reason behind plants and animal extinction.
- Environmental sustainability in the Dubai police force.
- Population growth: Causes and effects.
- Fossil fuels as a significant part of the future energy mix.
- The reason behind birds’ migration.
- Cost of plastic recycling in US.
- What is green construction, and why is it beneficial?
- Sustainable building and environmental design.
- How can responsible consumption help nature?
- Green technology and how it can help the environment.
- Global warming: causes and consequences.
- How can we improve agriculture without harming the environment?
- Environmental conservation and resource management.
- Invasive species and how they can harm the environment.
- GMO: Advantages and disadvantages.
- Air pollution and mortality rates.
- The process of the nutrient cycle.
- What are sustainable environmental practices?
- Solutions to the environmental crisis in Vietnam.
- How can we save more energy?
- Solar energy effects on the environment.
- What are alternatives to plastic?
- Construction and demolition waste management in the UAE.
- Commercial fishing impact on the ocean.
- Mitigating climate change through trade schemes.
- What is a marine ecosystem, and how do we affect it?
- Nine challenges of alternative energy.
- Energy efficiency and its importance.
- Climate change causes: Position and strategies.
- How do fossil fuels damage the environment?
- Sustainable building materials and technologies in the construction industry.
- The controversy behind environmental laws.
- Environmental risks: opposing views.
- Air quality in your country.
- Why is urban sprawl a problem?
- Energy sources: types and development.
- Different types of environmentalism.
- Global warming, climate change, and society’s impact on the environment.
- Wildlife reserves and how they work.
- Wind power in the United States.
- Ecotourism regulations in your country.
- Columbia river, its salmon culture and human impact.
- Ecological footprint and its impact on nature.
- Is solar energy important for the future of humanity?
- Simple everyday habits that can help the environment.
- Integrated sustainable water resource management plan.
- Different ways of recycling water.
- Global warming and carbon dioxide.
- What is sustainable food?
- Dubai municipal solid waste management.
- The most popular renewable energy sources.
- Environmental issues in developing and developed countries.
- Various factors of sustainability.
- Atomic power as a renewable energy source.
- Climate change and global warming difference.
- Los Angeles regional collaborative for climate action.
- Human impact on climate.
- The reasons behind climate change.
- Virtual water and the water-energy nexus.
- Why is carbon dioxide harmful?
- Environmental benefits and problems of concrete.
- The reasons for the carbon dioxide increase.
- Water scarcity: An issue of living in the US.
- Fracking and why it is bad.
- The cost effectiveness of recycling plastic.
- Ozone depletion: Causes and effects.
- History of the environmental law in the US.
- Three basic methods of ecological research.
- Renewable energy sources in the aviation industry.
- Different types of recycling.
- Sources of energy: classification and aspects.
- Volunteer organizations and their contribution to environmental health.
- Quality and environmental management.
- Does eco-friendly marketing help the environment?
- The major contributors to water pollution.
- Carpooling and its contribution to the environment.
- Chemicals as the worst pollutants on the Earth.
- Human impact on global warming.
- The health effects of air pollution in America.
- The water purification technology.
- Solar energy in the modern world.
- Environmental organizations and what they do.
- Green space as an urban environment of Sydney.
- Environmental activities to do at home.
- How to protect the Egypt Nile River from pollution?
- Famous environmental activists and the difference they made.
- Wind energy: is it viable or not?
- What is emancipatory environmentalism?
- Water resource plan: The problem of overdrawing the surface water.
- Green political parties and their influence.
- Global warming causes and mitigations.
- Environmental justice: Goals and causes.
- Pollution of the marine environment.
- Can any country become green?
- Flint poisoning: Environmental racism and racial capitalism.
- Environmental law and its history.
- Investment into alternative energy.
- How does emission trading work?
- Wind energy and non-renewable energy.
- Ecological niches and their types.
- Waste diversion programs in Ontario in 1996-2010.
- Pollution and its impact on our health.
- Dubai coast: Environmental sampling and analysis.
- The most significant causes of desertification.
Didn’t find the topic that perfectly suits your taste? You are welcome to use our essay topic generator!
📑 Environmental Issues Essay: Outline
The environmental issues essay consists of three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. The optimal length is five paragraphs (around 200-300 words).
So, what do you write in each of them?
In the introduction part, you can mention the following:
- the current environmental situation in the world;
- the specific topic you chose;
- your thesis statement.
The introduction part shouldn’t be very long. One paragraph is usually enough.
The thesis statement is your main idea that you need to support in your body part. Let’s say you want to write about the dangerous effects of air pollution. “Air pollution not only harms the environment but also is the cause of numerous diseases.” This might be your thesis.
Need to formulate a thesis statement? Use our thesis-making tool!
In the body, make sure to:
- elaborate on your thesis statement;
- find reliable references with precise information;
- suggest some advice on the chosen problem;
- be argumentative.
The length of the body depends on the size of the whole paper. A five-paragraph essay should contain a three-paragraph body. A five-page research paper, in its turn, would have a four-page body.
Finally, write your one-paragraph conclusion. Here you can:
- sum up your essay;
- restate your thesis statement.
🛡️ Environment Protection Essay: Writing Prompts & Example
Environment protection starts with each of us. So, a good essay topic might be about how each of us can contribute to it.
You can list some options of how we can protect the environment. You can try to persuade the reader to contribute. It might be simple everyday steps or a more significant contribution like volunteering. Make sure to mention their benefits as well.
Some sample questions to answer in your essay:
- How can we protect the environment?
- What are the ways to decrease pollution?
- What are the governmental policies of environmental protection?
- How should we preserve nature?
Environment Protection Essay Example: 250 Words
☘️ Eco-friendly Environment Essay: Writing Prompts & Example
What to write in an eco-friendly environment essay?
You can list various ways to maintain an eco-friendly environment. Here are some of them:
- Eco-friendly marketing
- Green movements
- Eco-friendly technology
- Recycling
- Water-conserving
- Energy conserving
- Composting
- RRR (reduce, reuse, recycle)
- Carpooling
Another option is to explain how you maintain an eco-friendly environment. Maybe you recycle your waste at home or avoid using fuel vehicles? You can also create a list of effective and ineffective ways to create an eco-friendly environment. It is better to read some articles on this issue before starting your writing.
Eco-friendly Environment Essay Example: 250 Words
♻️ Human Impact on the Environment Essay: Writing Prompt & Example
As we all know, people are the ones who affect nature the most. So, in this essay, you can elaborate on how people harm the planet.
Some of the issues you could focus on are:
- Air pollution
- Water pollution
- Plastic pollution
- Deforestation
- Climate change
- Overpopulation
- Global warming
Make sure also to include your advice on how we can solve these problems.
Human Impact on the Environment Essay Example: 250 Words
🗑️ Effect of Plastic on Environment Essay: Writing Prompt & Example
Plastic undoubtedly plays a significant role in our life.
In your essay, you can list the reasons why plastic is damaging. You can also suggest ways of how we can reduce the usage of plastic.
Some of the topics you can mention in your essay:
- Microplastic
- Plastic effect on animals
- The reasons why plastic is toxic
- Plastic decomposition and why is it harmful
- What can we replace plastic with?
Effect of Plastic on Environment Essay Example: 250 Words
Now you are ready to share your thought on environmental issues in your essay. What is your opinion on environmental issues? What topic would you like to write about? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
❓ Environment Issues FAQ
How have approaches to environmental issues changed over the years?
Over the years, environmental problems have become more complex. It takes more time to study and identify them. However, technology is constantly developing and contributes to solving environmental problems now.
Why is it important to cooperate with other countries on environmental issues?
A lot of issues such as air pollution or climate change are very wide-range. If people can’t cross the different countries’ boundaries that easily, these problems can. So, it can only be solved by international cooperation of different countries. That is why we should support international nonprofit organizations.
What are some of the major environmental issues in Europe?
Some of the major environmental issues in Europe are: • climate change • nuclear waste • biodiversity loss • waste disposal • deforestation • water pollution.
Why is globalization potentially damaging to the environment?
Globalization has different positive impacts on the world. However, it has contributed to environmental damage as well. Globalization leads to consumption and export increase. These also lead to the rise of gases and the used fuel amount. Finally, the greenhouse effect is increasing because of that.