The teen years are a period of life between ages 13 to 19. These years are usually considered one of the most challenging times in a person’s life. However, it becomes even tougher if it involves an unintended pregnancy.
Even though teenage pregnancy rates have fallen in the US, raising awareness and considering the risks and consequences are still vital. When teenagers under 20 years old carry a child, it puts an enormous strain on them physically, mentally, socially, and economically. It contributes to school dropout and can ruin the lives of both the parent and the child. Therefore, it is vital to concentrate on the prevention of teenage pregnancy both in the healthcare and education systems.
The Overnightessay team has collected original teenage pregnancy research titles for you to check. Besides, find our tips for essay writing.
🔝 Top 10 Teen Pregnancy Questions
- How can we track teenage pregnancy rates?
- What are the key experiences of adolescent parents?
- How does social shaming influence teen pregnancy?
- What is the ideal healthcare plan for teen moms?
- What is the role of drugs in teens becoming pregnant?
- How to emphasize the importance of contraception to adolescents?
- Should teenage pregnancy be declared illegal?
- What is the economic impact of teenage pregnancy?
- What are the causes and effects of adolescent pregnancy?
- What are health risk factors influencing abortion rates among teenagers?
🗣️ Persuasive Titles About Teenage Pregnancy
- Pregnancy as the cause of depression for female teenagers.
- Teenage pregnancy as a burden for family relations.
- Should abortion be illegal?
- Significance of correlation between teenage pregnancy and poverty.
- Teenage pregnancy is an economic burden in developing countries.
- Pregnant teens face reprobation at schools.
- Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act reduces teenage pregnancy rates.
- Teenage pregnancy has life-threatening consequences in the reproductive health framework.
- Abortion: Should it be legalized?
- Teenage pregnancy has a negative impact on girls’ education.
- Holistic approach as the right way to deal with teenage pregnancy.
- Teenage pregnancy negatively impacts an infant’s psychological development.
- Children of teen mothers are at high risk of socio-physical delays.
- Behavioral disabilities are natural for children of teen mothers.
- Pregnant teens are not likely to get enough parental care.
- The importance of sexual education.
- Nutritional deficiencies are inherent to pregnant teens.
- Inadequate nutrition among pregnant teens is especially considerable in developing countries.
- Teenage pregnancy is a common trend in African countries.
- Insignificant contraceptive methods are the main prerequisite of teenage pregnancy in developed countries.
- Teenage pregnancy is widespread in rural Indian areas.
- The majority of teenage pregnancies in developed countries are unplanned.
- Who should teach children sexual education?
- Teenage pregnancy rates are affected by economic incentives.
- Sex education programs – a tool to reduce teenage pregnancy rates.
- Substance abuse is a prerequisite to teenage pregnancy.
- Teen pregnancy is associated with high poverty rates.
- Girls experiencing domestic violence are likely to become pregnant as teenagers.
- Family dysfunction is a factor contributing to high teenage pregnancy rates.
- Teenage abortion: Arguments for the defense.
- Access to sexual content leads to increased teenage pregnancy rates.
- Access to birth control decreases the risk of teenage pregnancy.
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention as a significant preventing program.
- The positive impact of the Personal Responsibility Education Program.
- Abstinence-only sex education addresses teenage pregnancy.
- Non-profit organizations contribute to addressing teenage pregnancy globally.
- Teenage abortion is not morally correct.
- Teenage pregnancy is a major factor in maternal and child mortality.
- Adolescent pregnancy complications as the leading cause of teen girls’ death.
- Unsafe abortion is a dangerous trend within the teenage pregnancy scope.
- Teenage pregnancy imposes negative effects on girls’ families and communities.
- Stress is a pressing factor among pregnant teenagers.
- Dropout rates of teenage mothers are considerable globally.
- Teen abortion: Pro-life position.
- Teenage pregnancy as a disruption factor of family relations.
- Teenage mothers face a severe financial burden.
- Teenage pregnancy is not accepted in many social groups.
- Parents are not likely to support teenage pregnancy of their daughters.
- Psychological support is essential for pregnant teens.
- Disadvantages of parent’s sex education.
- Access to sex education addresses the teenage pregnancy issue.
➡️ Early Pregnancy Research Titles: Causes & Effects
- Teen pregnancy’s social and economic impact on the community.
- How do sex education programs prevent teenage pregnancies?
- The causations and the outcomes of teenage pregnancy.
- The role of family and community in supporting teenage mothers.
- Teenage pregnancy’s psychological and emotional impact on parents.
- What cultural and societal factors increase teenage pregnancy rates?
- The influence of body image and self-esteem on teenage pregnancy.
- The impact of teenage fatherhood on parenting and relationships.
- Hormonal contraceptive failure and its risk factors.
- How does religiosity affect attitudes toward teenage pregnancy?
- The effects of teenage pregnancy on future reproductive health.
- Teenage pregnancy rates: The correlation with race and ethnicity.
- The role of social media in teenage pregnancy.
- How do government policies influence teenage pregnancy rates?
- Lack of breastfeeding support for new mothers and its effects on breastfeeding.
- The impact of schools on teenage pregnancy prevention.
- The role of community-based organizations in preventing teenage pregnancy.
- How does parental involvement affect teenage pregnancy rates?
- The influence of sexual orientation on teenage pregnancy rates.
- The role of gender-based violence in teenage pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding impact on a young mother and a child during early years.
- Does immigration status increase teenage pregnancy rates?
- Teenage pregnancy: The influence of parental education and income.
- How does access to abortion affect teenage pregnancy rates?
- The impact of teenage pregnancy on intergenerational family relationships.
- Inadequate healthcare access as a cause of teenage pregnancy.
- Postpartum depression in low-income US mothers.
- Effects of gender roles and inequality on teenage pregnancy.
- How do trauma and abuse influence teenage pregnancy rates?
- Do substance abuse and addiction contribute to teenage pregnancy?
- Pregnancy effects on the socioeconomic status of teenage mothers.
- Teenage pregnancy: Consequences for children born to teenage mothers.
- Teen mothers breastfeeding their babies: How mother and baby are affected.
- Effects of birth control access on teenage pregnancy prevention.
- Ways to reduce the level of teenage pregnancies.
- The major factors of teenage pregnancy.
- What is the connection between teenage pregnancy and sex education?
- How teenage pregnancy affects a woman’s life?
- The influence of the media on teenagers’ sexual behavior.
- The connection between teenage pregnancy and socioeconomic status.
- The perception of teenage pregnancy in modern society.
- The role of abortion in teenage pregnancy.
- The psychological background of teenage pregnancy.
- Lifestyle changes during teenage pregnancy.
- Marie Stopes and her birth control movement in Britain in 1913-1943.
- Depression as a consequence of teenage pregnancy.
- Ethical issues of teenage pregnancy prevention.
- Laws and government regulations: Impact on teenage pregnancy.
- Support organization during teenage pregnancy.
- Differences in childbearing during teen years.
- Reducing unwanted teen pregnancies.
- Challenges achieving economic self-sufficiency among teen mothers.
- How does the public health system affect teenage pregnancy?
- Sexually transmitted diseases and their relation to teenage pregnancy.
- The issue of adolescent pregnancy in different communities worldwide.
- Bullying in school as a consequence of teenage pregnancy.
- Pop culture and its influence on sexual behavior in black communities.
- The relationship between early pregnancy and alcohol abuse.
- Family involvement in early pregnancy in modern society.
- How to prevent health problems during teenage pregnancy?
- Young mom support organizations and their role.
- The impact of teenage pregnancy on academic performance.
- Why do young minorities engage in risky sexual behavior?
- Birth control affordability for teenagers in schools.
- Sexual harassment as a factor of teenage pregnancy.
- How does teenage pregnancy affect the mental health of parents?
- The impact of substance abuse on early pregnancy.
- Maternal mortality as a potential consequence of teenage pregnancy.
- Sex education taught in schools: Effects.
- The effects of teenage pregnancy in less developed countries.
- Physical changes as a consequence of teenage pregnancy.
- Young fathers’ involvement during teenage pregnancy.
- The impact of teenage pregnancy on the state’s economy.
🔎 Exceptional Teenage Pregnancy Titles to Research
- Adolescent pregnancy in African countries.
- A study of barriers to sex education.
- Teenage pregnancy epidemiology in the United States.
- An exploration of the need to classify adolescent pregnancy.
- Assessing the relationship between race and adolescent pregnancy.
- Evaluating the socioeconomic impact of adolescent motherhood.
- Comparison of problems of adult mothers and adolescent mothers.
- The impact of social disadvantage on teen pregnancy.
- Sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents.
- Determining adolescent girls’ preparation for motherhood.
- Effectiveness of sex education programs.
- Estimating the incidence of coerced sex among adolescent girls.
- The prevalence of delinquency among pregnant teens.
- The relationship between maternal age and birth outcomes.
- Health risks of having a child at a young age.
- Features of medical support for adolescent pregnancy.
- Historical aspects of early pregnancy.
- How often does pregnancy end in abortion in adolescent girls?
- Identifying factors affecting the onset of menarche.
- What are the triggers factors for adolescent pregnancy?
- Social research on teen pregnancy.
- The impact of sex education on the incidence of teen pregnancy.
- Opportunity for early pregnancy planning.
- Teenagers’ perspectives on adolescent pregnancy.
- Prevalence of teen pregnancy due to sexual violence.
- Probability of starting a family during adolescence.
- Pregnant teenagers with gestational diabetes: Gap identification.
- Problems of adolescent pregnancy in low-income countries.
- Psychological effects of early pregnancy on girls.
- Reasons for high adolescent sexual activity in the 21st century.
- Teenagers’ reasons for keeping a baby.
- The relationship between religion and early pregnancy.
- Infant mortality rate in young black mothers in the US.
- The link between age and number of abortions before age 20.
- Risks associated with adolescent sexual activity.
- Risks in pregnancies before age 15.
- Sources of information support for adolescent pregnancy.
- Support strategies for terminating adolescent pregnancies.
- Condom use in Latino adolescents: Nursing research.
- Teenagers’ perceptions of the problem of teenage pregnancy.
- The extent to which gynecological age affects pregnancy outcomes.
- The role of social support in maintaining pregnancy in adolescents.
- Assessing the prevalence of single mothers among adolescents.
- Monitoring and defining adolescent reproductive health.
- Legal abortion worldwide: Incidence and trends.
- The role of social support in teen pregnancy termination.
- Trends in the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy in developed countries.
📊 Topics for Analytical Essays on Teen Pregnancy
- Adolescent birth rates in developed countries.
- Are teen mothers going to college or university?
- Substance abuse attachment theory-based treatment plan for teenage pregnancy.
- Behaviors that provoke teen pregnancy.
- Can teens afford medical care?
- Communication with parents as a factor in preventing teen pregnancy.
- Developmental problems in children born to teen mothers.
- Do adolescents understand the risk factors for unprotected intercourse?
- Developing an implementation plan: Breastfeeding problem in young mothers.
- Do information resources help educate teens?
- Do teen mothers have chronic illnesses?
- Do young families (under 15) want to keep their babies?
- Earning capacity of teen mothers.
- Educational responsibilities for teen pregnancy.
- Teenage pregnancy: An issue of contraceptive use in society.
- Family planning by adolescent parents.
- How do parents perceive their teen children’s pregnancy?
- How do teens prevent pregnancy risk?
- How to help pregnant teens?
- How to identify risk factors for teen pregnancy?
- Teen pregnancy prevention in modern society.
- How to plan for managing teen pregnancy?
- Imperfect health care system as a predictor of adolescent pregnancy.
- Initiatives to reduce teen pregnancy rates.
- Major risk factors in teen pregnancy.
- Meeting the needs of pregnant girls.
- Implementation of the educational program in pregnant African American girls.
- Programs to improve the quality of life for adolescent girls.
- Protective factors against teen pregnancy.
- Psychological consequences of early pregnancy.
- Reasons for the prevalence of HIV status among pregnant teens.
- Roe vs. Wade: Who will support unintended teen pregnancies?
- Young mother’s and father role in childcare.
- Role of parents for teen mothers.
- School counseling for pregnant teens.
- Severe complications of teen pregnancy.
- Silencing problems in teen pregnancy.
- Social problems of teen pregnancy.
- Discharging young mothers after Caesarian births.
- Sources of information about sex education.
- Teen childbirth: The severity of complications.
- Teen pregnancy mortality statistics.
- Teen pregnancy: The health care burden.
- The contribution of teenage pregnancy to the problem of early marriage.
- Teen abortion: Medical ethics and criminalization.
- The government’s role in reducing the rate of teen pregnancy.
- The impact of teen pregnancy on the psyche.
- The most effective measures to prevent teen pregnancy.
- The problem of teen abortion.
- The right to abortion: How will prohibition affect teen pregnancy?
- Teen abortion: Controversial thoughts analysis.
- The role of religion in maintaining teen pregnancy.
- The role of the school teacher in supervising pregnant teens.
- Values and cultural norms among pregnant teens.
- What happens to teenage children?
- What modern contraceptives do adolescents use?
- Legislation denying young women’s right of abortion.
- Which groups are at risk of teenage pregnancy?
- Who should take responsibility for teen pregnancy?
- Why are teenagers hiding a pregnancy?
- Why don’t teenagers use contraception?
- Sex education at schools: Analysis.
📋 25 More Great Teenage Pregnancy Research Titles
- Health risks, issues, and complications related to early pregnancy.
- Health risk factors for a baby of a teen-aged mother.
- Adolescents’ health in the world’s report for 2012.
- Reasons behind racial disparities in the US teen birth rates.
- Social and economic importance of teen pregnancy and childbearing prevention.
- Prerequisites for having a healthy pregnancy at an early age.
- “Options Counseling for the Pregnant Adolescent Patient” policy of AAP.
- A review of an early symptomatic picture of potential pregnancy.
- Teen pregnancy: A health promotion and sexual education plan.
- A pregnancy test: Overview, types, principles, and essential information.
- The diversity and accessibility of birth control and contraception methods.
- Teen pregnancy and childbirth prevention methods from the parental perspective.
- Child care and future health support after a successful pregnancy.
- The importance of special diets and healthy nutrition during pregnancy.
- The development of a plan to help teenage mothers.
- Emotional and psychological methodology associated with teen pregnancy and childbirth.
- Psychological support programs and well-being initiatives for parents and families.
- Parenting vs. adoption: Adoption program options, accessibility, and consequences.
- Teen pregnancy and childbirth from the perspective of a teenager.
- Characteristics of substance abuse and treatment admissions of pregnant teens.
- Single-parent families headed by young mothers.
- Current clinical trials on the topic of pregnancy in adolescence.
- Challenges of taking a father’s responsibility at an early age.
- Teen pregnancy and childbirth worldwide: An overview and implications.
- March of Dimes: Community’s history, vision, activities, and future.
- The current state of HIV/AIDS research on women and children.
- Post-abortion care policy: How to make people believe in safe recovery.
- Prevalence and predictors of potential malnutrition during an early pregnancy.
- The effect of teen pregnancy and childbirth on child mortality.
- The relationship between teen pregnancy and early first marriage timing.
- A review of psychological theories that underline sex education.
✍️ How to Write an Essay on Teen Pregnancy
When you have selected an appropriate title about teenage pregnancy, start your research as soon as possible. The subject is vast and controversial at times, so you will have to look through numerous articles and books. Choose only relevant sources for your paper. Decide what your thesis statement should be early on so that you have time to change it. Then, you can start designing your outline.
Below, we have looked over the essential steps when writing an essay on teen pregnancy.
Start with a Hook & Context
An introduction isn’t just the opening paragraph. It is also where you let your readers know what to expect from your paper.
Firstly, whether you are writing a persuasive, narrative, or any other type of essay, you should grab your audience’s attention. Aim to do this from the first sentence with a strong “hook.” This can come in the form of an interesting statistic, a relevant fact, an appropriate story, etc. If you aren’t confident about how to word your hook, try out our online rephraser.
Secondly, establish any critical context for your topic. Include background information and explain the terms you will use.
Write a Thesis Statement About Teenage Pregnancy
A thesis is a statement you end your introductory paragraph with. You should argue the main point you are trying to make. Formulate it as a single sentence, and make sure it’s as straightforward as it can be. Any reader should understand what your central argument is.
Usually, in this sentence, you declare the core idea of the assignment and reflect on your position on the topic. For example, a thesis statement about teenage pregnancy might look like this:
“In a hypothetical world where teenage pregnancy is made illegal, it would be even more difficult for expecting teen parents to receive social, economic, and moral support, effectively worsening the stigma against them.”
Formulate Your Body Paragraphs
Body paragraphs have a particular formula that you can follow to ensure their effectiveness:
- Start with a topic sentence that will explain what the coming passage will be about. It should contain the point you will define and support in this paragraph.
- Describe and develop your arguments. In a couple of sentences, elaborate on what you’ve just stated.
- Be sure to include evidence to support your claims. Examples, quotes, statistics, and citations are excellent to show that you know what you’re talking about. They also reveal that you have done your research.
- Finish off with a concluding sentence drawn from your analysis and transition into the next body paragraph. You can state the implications and significance of the evidence and arguments here.
Conclude & Restate Your Thesis
In your conclusion, tie all your arguments together and summarize your findings. Explain what you want your audience to take away after reading your paper. Thus, you should return to your thesis statement and repeat it once more. However, make sure to develop it to demonstrate the research you have conducted.
At the end of your work, you might want to mention the significance of your discussion. Give your readers recommendations about what should be done. Or you can leave them with questions for further study.
We hope you have managed to find something helpful among our list of teen pregnancy questions and topics. After following our outline and writing your essay, you should take the time to check it for mistakes. For that, try using our handy tool that can read your paper to you!