Formal Essay Writing Tips

Formal Essay Writing Tips

Essay is a short academic writing that is typically assigned to college students. There are two types of essays: formal and informal.

In this article we will present some tips for writing a formal essay. Yeah, it sounds serious and not as funny as an informal essay. Still, you will have to learn how to write a formal essay.

The main purpose of a formal essay is to teach you choose the right words and general tone for your essay. So, what are the peculiarities and basic elements of a formal essay that you should follow?

  1. As you can guess, you should forget about the informal language and all kinds of slang if you want to get a good grade on your formal essay. Use only formal words and even some sophisticated phrases like “On the assumption of this I can make a conclusion that…”
  2. Try not to use rhetorical questions in your formal essay, since they are usually used in informal forms of writing.
  3. Formal essay should be well-structured and organized. Make sure that all parts of your formal essay are logically connected.
  4. Formal essay has the same structure as all other academic writings. First part is your thesis statement, where you should present the main idea of your formal essays. Here you should also describe the subject and the purposes of your work. The next part is the main body, in which you have to discuss in details those statements that were stated in the first part. The last part of your formal essay is a conclusion, where you have to summarize the main ideas of your work. Your conclusion should also contain a special idea that will make the reader think about it.

Perhaps, formal essay is a bit dull, because of this special tone that you have to stick to. But one day you will completely grow up and you should be aware of the formal language and style.

Formal Essay Topics

  1. Animals should be used for scientific testing.
  2. What should effective customer service be like?
  3. Should Canada have an abortion law?
  4. Political predictions: Is China about to collapse or fall into crisis?
  5. Who should provide sexual education to children?
  6. Should European cities ban the operation of e-scooters?
  7. Universal health care should be given freely to everyone.
  8. Alcoholism and its influences on family.
  9. Should health care cost equally for everyone?
  10. Abortion: Does a fetus have a right to life?
  11. The US should adapt to the socialistic healthcare system.
  12. Should HRM be aligned with strategy?
  13. Affirmative action policy in the United States.
  14. Behaviors of economic agents in various situations.
  15. Alcohol consumption effects.
  16. Dignity and freedom theories by Immanuel Kant.
  17. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
  18. Alternative non-opioid therapies for pain management.
  19. Church of Jerusalem — the mother of all Christian churches.
  20. Characteristics and forms of schizophrenia.
  21. Distinctions between good and bad franchises.
  22. An ethical analysis of stem cell research.
  23. Risky and legal issues in nursing informatics.
  24. The nature of work and individual attitudes toward work.
  25. Rational decision-making models in business.
  26. It makes sense to give citizenship to the US born babies.
  27. Children charged with crimes: Methods of punishment.
  28. Approaches to healthcare affordability.
  29. Cognitive science: A history of the cognitive revolution.
  30. Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Was it justified?
  31. An alternative to incarceration for mentally ill.
  32. Terrorist activities as a current issue in policing.
  33. The dangers of working in a chemical environment.
  34. Vision and imaging: From light to electrons.
  35. Buddhism – Four Noble Truths.
  36. The cosmological proof for God’s existence.
  37. Unmasking the 9-11 conspiracies.
  38. Sociology of Iraq War: Its pros and cons.
  39. Humans’ overdependence on technology: Negative effects.
  40. The role of the insurance industry in the development of fire prevention.
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