Classification essay is a type of academic paper that categorizes subjects into specific groups. The crucial element of this categorization is to explain the logic of creating this or that class.
Division is a part of your job when you write a classification essay. That is why we will analyze it as a part of a broader theme โ classification. You can also use these words as synonyms when it comes to your paper. Let’s start!
๐ฏ Classification Essay Explained
In this passage, we will discuss the main concepts that you will need later. Before we start outlining, let’s clarify the fundamental aspects.
Classification Essay. Definition
A classification essay organizes data into two or more categories. Each category should have its identifying traits. Categories also require examples that directly belong only to one of them.
Division and Classification Essay
Why division?
It is your first part of the task. You have to divide a complex issue into several components. That means breaking them down into smaller categories.
Why classification?
Then you have to combine these components to create sets. Each set should possess distinguishable characteristics and identifying traits.
Classification Essay. Goals
And here is what you should aim for when you write a classification essay:
- Divide broad subjects into more specific parts. Create drafts before you understand which classification is the best for your paper.
- Explain how the classification essay topic relates to subcategories and vice versa. Clarify the connection between broad topics and classes if it is not apparent.
- Identify the prominent traits of each category. Provide a clear division based on characteristics. One item cannot belong to two categories at once.
- Provide a logical order of the categories. You might start with the most important ones and finish with the least important or vice versa.
- Become proficient in your topic. You need to examine several sources of information before you decide which categorization suits your topic the best.
Classification Essay. Challenges
Each type of academic writing involves some pitfalls and challenges. Here is what you need to be aware of:
- You need to use only one principle of classification. It should be clear and specific. For example, color, size, shape, length, etc.
- Each category should be exclusive. An object from one class mustn’t possibly fall into another one.
- The categories need to include all the items that belong to the topic. It means that if you classify apples by color, “red” and “green” classes are not enough. There are also yellow apples that should be a separate category.

๐ Planning a Division and Classification Essay
A good classification essay starts with brainstorming ideas.
Better choose a topic that is familiar to you, something that interests you.
Use our free essay topic generator to get a unique topic!
Then, research to understand the general aspects. You don’t need to dig deep at this stage. The goal is to develop a basic understanding of your topic.
Divide your broad topic into three items. You might try different types of classification. This will help to choose the one pattern that will be the most appealing.
๐ Classification and Division Essay Outline
Usually, this type of essay consists of three parts: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Now we will explain how to write a classification and division essay step by step.
Introduction of a Classification Essay
You should start it with an engaging sentence that will introduce the focus of your paper.
Introduction’s primary purpose is to clarify the topic and to identify why you have chosen it. This part also provides an overview of the subject and explains your classification method.
*Provide definitions if necessary.

Body Paragraphs of a Classification Essay
Each body paragraph describes one of the categories that you’ve mentioned in the introduction. You should organize them in the same order as in the thesis statement. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence describing the approach. Then provide your analysis and more details.
The order plays a significant role.
For example, you can start with the subtopics that you consider the most essential. Then make sure you finish with the least critical subtopics. You can also reverse this type of order or create your logic.

Conclusion of a Classification Essay
In this part, you have to summarize the results of your research. You can comment on each of the categories described in the main body. Emphasize the purpose of your classification. Restate your thesis and introduce your final thoughts on the issue. Analyze what you have learned and why your essay has this particular classification.
Make sure you matched the research goals that you’ve mentioned at the beginning. Remember that it is your last opportunity to introduce your thoughts.

๐ Classification Essay Topics
Now let’s practice.
You can choose to write about hobbies, students, or friends. Just start writing โ it will give you a general idea of the task. Further, you can prepare for more complicated topics.
Here is our selection of classification essay examples:
- Popular sports among young people in the United States.
- Anxiety Disorders: Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis.
- Clinical and Anatomical Classification of Endometriosis.
- The ways to keep your body healthy without expenses.
- Agency Nurses as Ways of Addressing the Persistent Shortage of Nurses.
- Childhood Obesity: Classification, Implications, Causes.
- Types of domestic animals suitable for small apartments.
- Depression: Types, Symptoms and Treatment.
- Popular modern music genres in the United States.
- Eating Disorders: Statistics, Types and Treating.
- Types of people who work in the creative industry.
- Income Statements, Their Types and Inventory.
- What kinds of youth subcultures exist in the United States?
- Price Discrimination: Types of Price Discrimination.
- Types of friends that people have in their lifetime.
- Types of Business Organizations.
- Signs of Eating Disorders: Types and Symptoms.
- Types of human emotions in critical situations.
- Behaviors of Economic Agents in Various Situations.
- Insomnia: Causes, Types, Treatment, Change in Social Behavior.
- The most popular hobby in the United States.
- Characteristics and Forms of Schizophrenia.
- Conflict Management. The Ways of Solving Conflicts.
- Types of diets and nutrition that are easy to follow.
- Congestive Heart Failure: Causes, Symptoms, Types, and Treatment.
- Types of Assets in the Balance Sheet.
- Types of informal education that you can obtain for free.
- Diabetes: Types, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment.
- Do Men and Women Communicate Differently?
- The reasons why students study in particular universities.
- Drug Addiction: Classification and Consequences.
- Types of career aspirations and ambitions among young adults.
- Eating Disorders: Types, Symptoms and Treatment.
- Leadership Dilemma: Ways of Solving.
- What role can friendship play in one’s life?
- E-Business Definition and Types.
- Types of relationships between parents and teenage children.
- Masculinity and Femininity as Different Cultures.
- Types of tourists in popular destinations.
- Long-Term Care, Its Role and Types.
- Classification of the best learning techniques for college students.
- Managed Care Techniques, Types, Impact, Benefits.
- Communicative Ways and Language Use.
- Sort of feminism activists in the United States.
- Research: What Is It, Steps, Types.
- Types of colleges for dancers around the world.
- Types of Advertising โ Commercial and Political.
- Euthanasia: Types and Arguments For and Against.
- Strategies of budget optimization for families with low income.
- Two Ways of Combating Childhood Obesity.
- Types of sports teams’ fans on stadiums.
- Types of Thinking Styles.
- Sources of Motivation for Different People.
- Classification of modern dancing styles in the United States.
- Anxiety Disorder, Its Types, Causes, and Incidence.
- The Ways We Lie: Reasons and Mechanisms.
- Types of unsuccessful first dates and their consequences.
- Scholarly vs. Popular Sources for Medical Research.
- Classification of entertaining content on YouTube and TikTok.
- Electronic Health Record Types and Workflow.
- Types of people addicted to shopping on sales.
- Health Information Systems: Types and Usage.
- Critical Evaluation of Different Types of Performance Appraisals.
โ Classification and Division Essay Examples
Now that you know everything on theoretical aspects, let’s move on and practice. We prepared some essay samples below.
You can use these examples as references or for inspiration.
Classification Essay about Friends
Socialization has always been a part of human life. Human interaction is the basis of education, career, and family. People might have many different friends during their lifetime. Some of them become close. Others disappear after you graduate or change your job. In this essay, friends will be divided into three categories by the types of communication. Friends who share the same space with you. These might be school friends, neighbors, or coworkers. You enjoy working in a team with them, and you always have things to discuss. However, you admit that you will stop communicating if you don’t see them often. You can spend your free time with them or interact in college or during working hours. They are closer than just acquaintances, but you will not likely open your soul to them. Childhood friends. These are the people who have known you for a long time. They share many memories with you. Since the time you’ve met, you might have developed different lifestyles. You don’t communicate so much these days, but you enjoy meeting them from time to time. Close friends. Such friends are the people with whom you can share anything. You can trust them with your life and vice versa. They probably know many of your secrets and are always ready to help. Close friends can be your support and source of motivation in the most complex situations. All the people that you choose to communicate with can become your friends. However, not many of them can become close friends. Often, time and distance separate people from each other even if they enjoy each other’s company.
Classification Essay about Movies
The movie industry deals with the most expensive form of art. Generally, a film is a story or event that you can watch in the cinema, television, or stream. Each movie has different age restrictions, length, budget, cast, and many other characteristics. In this essay, movies in the advisory section will be divided into three categories by rating. General or “G” rating means that everyone can watch this movie regardless of their age. Films of such a type are mild in impact. Parental guidance or “PG” rating implies that some parts of the content can be upsetting or confusing for children. It may be the language or themes covered in the movie. That is why they require the guidance of adults for children under the age of fifteen. Movies with PG ratings are primarily mild in impact. Mature or “M” movies are not recommended for children who are younger than fifteen. The films might content violence or parts that need a mature outlook. As this is an advisory category, children can still watch these movies. However, their parents, teachers, or guardians should legally give access to these movies in their care. Advisory categories are a helpful tool for choosing the right content for children and teenagers. As thousands of new movies are released every year, it is easier to navigate knowing the classification. Advisory categories for movies are created to guide people, not to implement strict rules. That is why it is instead a recommendation, not a restriction system.
Classification Essay on Music
Music is a part of everyone’s life regardless of age, race, tastes, and occupation. Music can also be a source of income for rappers, band players, and composers. In this essay, we will discuss different types of composers according to the industries they belong to. Classical composers create music for operas, concerts, stages, and jazz performances. They are employed by performing art centers, opera houses, or orchestras. Their primary source of income is commission. Film composers. This is one of the most competitive job markets in the music industry. They are hired to create film scores and typically work during individual film projects. This type of job requires long hours of work and dedication, and a flexible schedule. Usually, film composers receive the early versions of movies and start creating scores at the time. They work on their projects till the editing is finished, and every score has a suitable duration. Jingle writers create music for commercials. They can create background music for advertising campaigns and songs or tunes used as a part of brand identity for years. Jingle writers also develop music styles and set slogan words to music. It is also a well-paid job. Composers of this type can be hired to work for a particular bland or be freelancers. There is a wide variety of job opportunities for composers. They might work directly in the music industry or join film or advertising fields. Generally, the jobs are well paid but require long working hours. The job market is quite competitive too, so it means that composers have to work hard to be flexible to gain access to big projects.
Classification Essay on Sports
Sport is a great hobby. Millions of people worldwide choose it as a professional career or recreational activity. There are different kinds of sports, which means that every person can find one they enjoy. In this essay, sports will be divided into categories by the number of people involved. Individual sports are activities that don’t require the participation of more than one person. It is an excellent choice for a hobby because you don’t need to rely on other people. You can choose the time and place to exercise yourself. For example, gym, golf, running, and triathlon are individual sports. Partner sports or dual sports are the kinds of sports or games that need two people. And these two compete against each other. Besides physical skills, you need to analyze your opponent to get their strategies. Tennis, badminton, chess, and table tennis belong to this category. Team sports require at least two teams to compete against each other. It is an excellent choice for people who are good at cooperating with others. These sports are among the most popular ones that you can watch on television. They include basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, and hockey. All the sports listed above require a high level of discipline and proficiency. It is impossible to say that some of them are easier than others. However, the approaches to training might be different. Team sports need cooperation and mutual respect, while individual sports require more motivation.
โ๏ธ How to Write a Division and Classification Essay
It’s time to get to work now. Make sure you follow these steps when you write your essay.
- Make a list of topics that you know a lot about. Your expertise will be a great help.
- Make a list of topics that you would like to research. Include the issues that are familiar to you, but you are interested in knowing them better.
- Choose a topic that falls into both categories. It will be a perfect match for your essay, especially your first division & classification paper.
- Research the topic and define several ways of division and classification.
- Choose the best way and create an outline for your essay. Evaluate.
- Write your first draft. You might write more than you need further.
- Check the requirements. Make sure you used the proper formatting style, didn’t exceed the word limit, and researched enough sources.
- Edit your paper. Exclude the parts which seem the weakest or unnecessary for the complete understanding.
- Proofread the text. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are perfect. There also might be some contextual mistakes that you overlooked.
- Get a second opinion. Check if a person who didn’t research this topic can understand everything you’ve written.
Follow all our tips and instructions, and you’ll hit the jackpot!
That’s it for today.
Let us know which part of the article was the most informative.
Good luck and happy writing ๐
What are the three classifications of essay?
There r not only 3 types of essay. i.e, chronical order, process, cause and effect, argumentative, persuasive, etc.