Racism is a combination of prejudices and discrimination against a person, group, or entire society. People are singled out and judged and considered a minority due to their origin. All in all, racism is the belief that some races are superior to others.
Today, you may often hear the term systemic or institutional racism. In essence, it is a failure of an organization or society to treat the representatives of all races equally. It is an inability to exclude prejudice and negligence towards non-dominant ethnic groups in regulations and laws.
Even though the world is continuously progressing, racial issues remain unresolved up till nowadays. Thus, your school or college instructor may ask you to write a paper on this topic. In this article, you will find outstanding racism essay topics and valuable tips prepared by our team.
🔝 Top 10 Racism Essay Topics
- Racial injustice throughout the years.
- Racial equality as told in schools.
- The effect of racism on globalization.
- Racial issues in education.
- Overcoming racial prejudices.
- How does racism shape poverty?
- Racial equality in Shakespeare’s Othello.
- Scandalous racial injustice in sports.
- Systematic racism in To Kill a Mockingbird.
- The Black Lives Matter movement.
🤔 Thought-Provoking Racism Questions for Essay
- What is the essence of the Black Lives Matter movement?
- What are the effects of American racial prejudice and racism?
- Black Lives Matter: Its tools for addressing racial issues.
- Excessive use of force towards Afro-Americans: Possible consequences.
- Prejudices against Afro-Americans: How to fight them.
- How does racial segregation contribute to concentrated poverty in minority communities?
- The history of anti-racial movements in the US.
- The usage of derogatory lexis towards Afro-Americans by Afro-Americans.
- Afro-American impact on the US culture.
- What are the effects of police racial profiling on people’s attitudes?
- How to differentiate between offensive and non-offensive words for people of color?
- Color blindness: The essence of notion.
- The difference between non-racists and anti-racists.
- Why should racial profiling be banned?
- Racial bias: Typical associations.
- The most effective ways to combat racism.
- Anti-racial community development: The challenges activists face.
- Policy: How to overcoming racial profiling?
- Friends of different racial backgrounds: Does race matter?
- From conversations about racial issues toward community engagement.
- How to make conversations about racism effective?
- What is the racism impact on African-American communities in the US?
- How to approach people who hold racist views?
- White supremacy: The history of the notion.
- The best ways to overcome racial prejudices.
- Has race relations improved since the Civil War?
- The notion of white privilege: What does it embrace?
- Acknowledgment of injustice: The first step of tackling racial issues.
- Biological differences between races: How true is it?
- How do various races and ethnicities view the library?
- Can Afro-Americans be racist?
- The evolution of the definition of “race” in the 19th-20th century.
- Effective ways to resist racist policies.
- Race and crime: Is there a correlation?
- Racism and racial bias: Two sides of one notion.
- How did Confederate history contribute to black movements?
- The peculiarities of neo-Confederate political program.
- How does skin complexion affects African Americans?
- African heritage: The ways to preserve it.
- The role of Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement.
- The role of Afro-Americans in the Civil War.
- What are the African American female principals’ challenges?
- The origins of racism on the American continent.
- Racism as a social phenomenon.
- Racial discrimination in the US: Modern challenges.
- How has slavery shaped the lives of African Americans?
- Why is racism called anti-scientific?
- The types and forms of racism.
- How does philosophy explain racism?
- What is the history of civil rights of African Americans?
- What kind of a person can be called racist?
- What is the difference between racism and discrimination?
- What are the most racist countries in the world?
- How does the black feminist theory impact African American women?
- Is there racism in African countries?
- What is the difference between traditional and modern racism?
- Racism as a reflection of social problems.
- What are the rights of African Americans?
- The history of police arbitrariness against Afro-Americans.
- Subdued racism: Where does it hide?
- Racial ghetto: History and modern state.
- How to stop African American males dropping out of high school?
- The role of Afro-Americans in the American Revolution.
- John Brown and his role in the abolitionist movement.
- Antiracial legislation in the US: History and evolution.
- What is the role of black feminism in the Black Lives Matter movement?
- Voting rights for Afro-Americans: Legislative initiatives.
- Scientific anti-racism: Origin and prominent scientists.
- Racial microaggression: The essence of the notion.
- What is the black on black suppression?
- Strategies for confronting racial microaggression.
- White genocide conspiracy theory: Its history and essence.
- Mixed marriages: The challenges for Afro-Americans and the whites.
- How do black women struggle in the workplace?
- What anti-racist organizations and institutions do you know?
- Antiracial movements: A space for educational dialogue.
- The theory of polygenesis as a foundation for racism.
- How is Black Lives Matter represented on social media?
- Racism as the need to justify the subordination of people.
- Racism in the colonial period: Main features.
- Racial ideas of Joseph de Gobineau.
- Why is Black Lives Matter a controversial issue?
- The policy of segregation in US history.
- Legislative abolition of racial discrimination in the US.
- Affirmative action: Its essence and main features.
- What are the aims of the Black Americans’ civil rights movement?
- Racism as fear of otherness.
- Affirmative action: Arguments for and against the practice.
- Antiracial movements in the 21st century.
- What is the state of discrimination in the US?
- Slavery in colonial America and racial practices.
- The etymology of the word “racism.”
- Domestic racism during apartheid in South Africa.
- How was criminal justice discrimination tackled in Foster v. Chatman?
- The abolition of slavery and the contradictions it generated in society.
- Domestic racism: Its definition and main features.
- Cultural racism: A perspective on the difference between cultures.
- What is the link between immigration and ethnic relations in the US?
- Jim Crow laws as a reflection of racial practices.
- “Black Panthers” movement and its anti-racial message.
✅ Original Racism Essay Titles
- The genocide of Serbs in the independent state of Croatia.
- The themes of racial pride and personal dignity in the poetry of Langston Hughes.
- Population transfer in the Soviet Union as a form of racism.
- Linguistic origin and explanation of the word racism.
- The relationship between racial discrimination and individual perception.
- Issues of “underserved” racial and ethnic groups of people in education.
- Labeling theory as an explanation of racism in criminal justice.
- The place of racism in the Armenian genocide of the First World War.
- How does racism affect the ability to empathize?
- The evolving role of HBCUs in resolving racial tensions.
- Determining the relationship between perceptions of racism and political preferences.
- The role of racism in the creation of the US Constitution.
- The effects of racism in the book Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.
- Racial struggles in Detroit during the riots of 1967.
- Representation of racism in the film To Kill a Mockingbird.
- Demonstration of racism in modern cinematography.
- Is there white racism in the US?
- Othello: The racial issues in the play.
- Perception of racism against black and Asian people.
- Differences in the perception of racism depending on the region of residence.
- Racism as a form of cognitive disorder.
- Flint poisoning: Environmental racism and racial capitalism.
- The study of the relationship between the demonstration of racism and IQ.
- The place of racism in the war between Russia and Ukraine.
- Racism as the reason for the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine.
- Racial, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic issues in psychology.
- The impact of racism on maternity and postpartum care for black women.
- Leadership approaches limiting racism in the workplace.
- Mental health practices to fight racism influence.
- Future American cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity.
- The contribution of racism on masculinity and man’s health.
- Racism in the political premise of modernity.
- How do protests and activism affect the elimination of racism?
- Black Lives Matter: Racial perspectives on social media.
- The significance of the Black Lives Matter movement for African Americans.
- Differences in access to healthcare for people of color.
- What effect does racism have on mental health stigmas?
- Racial discrimination of African Americans during Jim Crow’s era.
- Black Lives Matter as an initiative for equality in society.
- The relationship between racism and gun violence.
- The influence of race on the availability of education.
- Racial disparities in access to health insurance.
- How racial discrimination affects learning outcomes?
- Effects of racism on adolescent depression and suicide.
- The impact of racism among police officers on the African American population.
- Racial discrimination in the cosmetics industry.
- Martin Luther King’s contribution to the anti-discrimination movement.
- Reflection of racism in neighborhoods of segregation in America.
- The negative attitude of teachers towards black students.
- White like me: Race, racism, and white privilege in America.
- The impact of racism on the self-perception of black women and men.
- Is there racism in preschool children?
- Perception of black women in the social justice movement.
- News, politics, and racism.
- Stereotypes about black students in teachers’ behavior.
- How does police racism affect the trust of people of color?
- How does the lack of cultural education affect society?
- Immigration and racism in Canada.
- Differences between black and white candidates when hiring.
- The influence of racism on the increase of substance addiction among adolescents.
- The history of the introduction of Black History Month in America.
- Environmental racism and justice.
- How social anxiety alters the perception of time?
- Violence and distrust as a consequence of the spread of racism.
- The connection between religion and racism in modern America.
- The phenomenon of inter-racism in the society.
- The main activists of the Black Movement in the United States.
- The fight against racism during the presidency of Barack Obama.
- The theme of racism towards characters in the Harry Potter Films.
- Racism and discrimination: The church vision and teaching.
- The development of white supremacy and racism under Donald Trump.
- How racism affects the incarceration of African American teenagers?
- The relationship between racism and group identity.
- List of privileges and ways I have experienced and demonstrated racism.
- Reflection of racism in institutional policies and practices.
- How do American corporations contribute to limiting racism?
- The manifestation of racism in the film The Green Mile.
- An image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness.”
- Is there a connection between racism and Nazism as its manifestation?
- 12 Years of Slavery as an example of racism in America.
- Portraying African Americans as deviant people in cinematography.
- Terrorism, race, and the criminal justice in America.
- The cancel culture relation to cultural appropriation and racism.
- Blackface as a new form of racism.
📙 Simple Topics About Racism for Essay
- Racism as the superiority of one race over another.
- Racial profiling in the United States.
- Connections between prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism against people.
- Role of social and biological differences in modern racism.
- Effects of racism on the formation of political systems.
- Racial discrimination in the US justice system.
- Scientific racism as a supporting factor for discrimination.
- Differences and similarities between nativism, xenophobia, and segregation.
- The detrimental effect of supremacism on modern society.
- Racial discrimination and prejudice in the US.
- Perception of ethnicity and race in the racism ideology.
- The role of culture and upbringing in racism beliefs.
- The Justification of discrimination in scientific racism theories.
- Racial discrimination practices in recruitment and selection.
- The main historical events that caused modern racism.
- Atlantic slave trade as a force behind racial segregation in the US.
- Holocaust and genocides as a form of racism.
- Racial injustice and its impact on employees.
- Indigenous people as the main victim of racism.
- Pseudo-scientific research assumptions connected to racism.
- Influence of scientific research on the taxonomy of racism.
- Racial bias and racial profiling in law enforcement.
- Human genome research in the understanding of racism.
- Frederick Hertz’s research about race hatred.
- Racism as a natural political unit in Nazism.
- Racial tensions in contemporary America.
- Hierarchical power relationship in the racism ideology.
- The main racism discriminatory actions and practices.
- United States legislation concerning racism in society.
- Racism against Afro and Latino Americans in the US.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a human rights instrument.
- Main points of UNESCO Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice.
- Racial discrimination laws in Great Britain.
- Racism in its forms and examples.
- Laws concerning racism and racist practices in Norway.
- Race as a social construct and its role in racism.
- The nature and social influence of white racism.
- Unconscious racism.
- Social and economic outcomes of modern racism.
- The concept of racial identity in social psychology.
- The influence of racism on the African American population.
- The problem of racism in the US.
- Covert expression of racism in modern Western society.
- Subconscious racism in the form of implicit or aversive racism.
- The influence of implicit attitudes on racism worldview.
- Institutional discrimination and racism.
- The contribution of subconscious racism on individual biases.
- Stereotypes and labels as a product of racism.
- Nigerian prince as a reference to advance-fee scammers.
- Racism and discrimination issues in the US.
- Discourse analysis as a way to explain racism.
- The view of African American literature on racism
- Black racial experience in American fictional literature.
- Racism: American progress in the 21st century.
- The phenomenon of white savior narrative in films.
- Oppression of racial minorities in modern America.
- Distinctions between racism and ethnocentrism.
- The concepts of race and racism in the modern environment.
- Ethical issues of racism in the workplace.
- Anti-discrimination practices to spread awareness about racism.
- Consequences of the lack of education of society regarding racism.
- The meaning of gender and race.
- Measures to limit racism in modern society.
- Practices for spreading awareness about racism in education.
- The influence of upbringing on the formation of a racist worldview.
- Race discrimination: Aspects and effects.
- The phenomenon of reverse racism in the modern United States.
- Color-conscious policies to remedy racial inequality.
- The influence of power structure on the spread of racism.
- Equal opportunities and gender, age, and race.
- Political and economic power to oppress racism.
- Differences between aversive and traditional racism.
- The empirical evidence of existing aversive racism.
- Race and your community.
- The role of past patterns in color blindness racism.
- Cultural racism as a form of the superiority of one culture.
- The negative influence of cultural racism on cultural identity.
- Race, class, and the criminal justice system in the US.
- The impact of economic and social disparity on modern society.
- How does institutional racism on government policies and initiatives?
- The phenomenon of othering in distinguishing certain groups.
- Social science and the origins of race.
- Othering and Orientalism in colonial Europe.
- Representation of racism in the everyday life of African American people.
- International laws concerning racial discrimination.
- The issue of race and ethnic groups.
- Influence of Paris Peace Conference on limitation of racism.
- The role of scientific racism in the Holocaust.
- The race question’s influence on the judicial system.
- Discrimination against minority groups, races, and ethnic groups.
- The impact of the European Union on reducing racism.
- Racism ideology in 19th century America.
- Intertwined concepts of culture and racism.
- Race and gender in Hooks’ and Butler’s articles.
- The impact of racism on increasing barriers between races and ethics.
- Debate on the nature of the emergence of racism.
- Racism as a form of ethnic and national conflict.
- Jim Crow’s and segregation era’s implications for modern African American history.
- Transatlantic slave trade as the main force of racism.
- Declaration of Human Rights as a measure to fight racism.
- Manifestations of racism in the judicial system of the US.
- The African American civil rights movement history.
- Anti-racist programs used in modern society.
- How does globalization contribute to the spreading of cultural racism?
- The impact of racism on increasing inequality.
- The concept of race: Social science.
- The phenomenology of racism in modern Western society.
- Ethical features of racism as a phenomenon of modern society.
- Criticism of racism: A view from different sides.
🔎 Racism Topics for Research Paper
- Race discrimination as a way of disrespect.
- Racial profiling and its use at police stops and in crime reduction.
- Racial discrimination at work: Law prosecution.
- How to minimize racial discrimination at work?
- How widespread is race harassment in the US?
- Immigration and racial profiling and the role of law enforcement.
- Racial slurs as one of the major types of racial harassment.
- Should racial slurs be prohibited legislative level?
- Can the legislation control the level of racial harassment?
- Incarceration rates among racial and ethnic minorities.
- Harassment at work: The race prejudices of employers.
- The manifestations of race harassment in the workplace.
- How may racism affect the development of the company?
- Asian immigrants in the United States and racism.
- How can racism in the workplace be minimized through HR management?
- How does the hidden racial harassment at the workplace result in limited employee development opportunities?
- Systematic harassment and its effect on employees’ productivity.
- Aspects of racism and dehumanization in works of Africa.
- The impact of racial discrimination on the total efficiency of the employees.
- The unconsciousness and conscious race discrimination: Which is more hazardous?
- Ignoring career promotion as a form of racial discrimination.
- How various races and ethnicities view the library.
- Racism during COVID-19: The comparison of the work loss between the representatives of different races.
- The difference in the salaries of white and black employees in America.
- The methods of providing a racial discrimination-free workplace.
- Implicit association test: Attitudes on race and ethnicity.
- How the anti-racist corporate culture advances the company.
- Should the company’s employment policy include discrimination control inquiries?
- Training as the most effective way to minimize racial harassment.
- Shifting morality in race and education.
- The psychological impact of race discrimination on the victims of harassment.
- The employer as the workplace anti-racism facilitator.
- Recent race/discrimination issues: Offensive working environment.
- Gender and race discrimination at workplaces.
- How to overcome the problem of clients’ intolerance towards employees of different races?
- The physical isolation of the representatives of different races at the workplace.
- Restriction of national minorities from certain occupational fields.
- Jazz music and race relationship.
- Hidden race discrimination: Externally neutral company policy.
- Race and color as the professional characteristics in modern society.
- Hostile work environment and mental problems of racial minorities.
- Race and health relations.
- Illegal race discrimination: How it is prosecuted.
- The role of the complaint of racial discrimination in fighting injustice at the workplace.
- The impact of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on discrimination in the workplace.
- African American women obtaining higher education.
- Comparison of laws on racial discrimination in the workplace by state.
- Relevant remedies for racial discrimination in the workplace.
- Compensation for moral damage to victims of racial discrimination as a measure of punishment for the employer.
- African American teachers in segregated schools in the US.
- Potential damages for employers under various anti-racial laws.
- Going to court for racial discrimination: Potential pros and cons.
- The productivity loss of race discrimination-based companies.
- The lack of African American participation in clinical trials in the US.
- The three directions of race discrimination: Employers, colleagues, and clients.
- Race discrimination as the method of creating a cheaper workforce.
- Unintentional race discrimination: Ways to overcome.
- The African American women’s stereotyping in media.
- Stereotypes as the major problem of race discrimination in the workplace.
- The somatic consequences of workplace race discrimination.
- The management of racism-based organizational conflicts.
- African Americans’ historical progression since 1865.
- Reputational risks for a company that practices race discrimination.
- Should the government intervene in the fight against racial discrimination?
- Capitalism and race discrimination: Is it possible to eliminate?
- Hate crimes toward minorities in the United States.
- Unequal conditions and labor rights for people of different races.
- Prohibition of discrimination as a principle of labor law.
- The role of research and statistical analysis in preventing race discrimination.
- Disparity in the number of minority healthcare executives.
- Racial biases at the workplace: The role in the discrimination elimination.
- The discrimination-free organization: Growth opportunities.
- The methods of confronting race discrimination in the workplace.
- Cultural, ethnic, and gender differences at the workplace.
- Employees’ rights violations related to racism.
✍️ How to Write a Racism Essay Outline
A successful essay on racism requires complete in-depth research of the topic. As soon as you pick an appropriate title, start looking for credible sources and quotes for your paper. Then, structure your ideas properly. And the best way to reach a logical flow of ideas is to create a racism essay outline.
Introduction for a Racism Essay
An introduction gives the first impression of your essay, so make sure it is strong and clear. Typically, this paragraph includes three crucial elements:
- a hook (first several sentences),
- background (a few more sentences),
- and a thesis statement (the last sentence).
Start your essay with an attention-grabbing element. It should be dynamic and intriguing. The key aim of the hook is to make your reader curious and engaged. For example:
“In America, black people are twice as likely to be unemployed than white people.”
After the hook, you provide all the background necessary to understand the chosen topic.
Thesis Statement About Racism
End your introduction with a concise thesis statement. It should reflect your key message and guide your readers through the paper. Also, you should make it as straightforward as possible not to confuse your audience about your position. If you struggle with the wording, paraphrase it using our rephrasing tool.
Here is an example of the thesis statement about racism:
Racism has a number of adverse ramifications for society, such as injustice, violation of human rights, and poverty.
Racism Essay: Body Paragraphs
Your racism essay should contain three body paragraphs: two with arguments and one with a counterargument.
It is essential to back up your points with valid supportive evidence. Make sure you rely only on credible sources while coming up with the arguments. Present only appropriate proof of your ideas. Keep in mind that examples play a crucial role in your essay.
Conclusion for a Racism Essay
In the last paragraph of your essay, summarize all the key points. Do not add any new arguments or examples. It will make the readers confused.
The key aim of the conclusion is to wrap up the essay and give the readers a sense of closure. So, develop your thesis statement from the introduction. Here is an example:
Injustice, violation of human rights, and poverty are three negative consequences of racism that have a detrimental effect on society.
That’s it! Thank you for reading our article. We hope you got many insights and are ready to compose your essay now. Don’t forget to proofread it once you finish it. Our read my paper tool will help you with that!