Looking for an interesting biology topic for your presentation, essay, or research paper? This article contains everything you might need! The first section lists the most relevant branches of biology. The other sections contain top 100 interesting biology topics as well as the most controversial issues in the discipline.
🔭 What Are Relevant Biology Presentation Topics?
There are a number of biology topics that are relevant to your presentation and research. You can choose a valuable topic from one of the branches of biology. It includes the following:
- Molecular Biology
- Environmental Biology
- Genetic Research
- Neuroscience
- Behavior and Hormones
- Famous Biologists
- Equipment
- Experiments
- Sustainability and Biodiversity
- Controversial Topics.

Also, you can choose an interesting biology topic for your research from related topics. You will find 10 interesting biology-related topics in the next section!
What else can you pick for your presentation or research paper? You can focus on the history of biology, current issues, famous biologists, equipment, or biological experiments.
🤖 What Are Interesting Biology Topics?
Of course, every biology expert says that their major topic is the most interesting and exciting. However, there are current biology issues that are the most interesting and studied in the world. Here you will find the top 10 interesting biology topics for research.
- Issues and Opportunities for CRISPR and Genetic Engineering
- Epidemiology Studies and Its Opportunities to Combat New Viruses (as Covid-19)
- Infectious-disease-causing agents (Prions) studies
- Climate Change Problems and Potential Solutions
- Cancer Research
- Behavioral Science Studies
- Endangered Species
- Astrobiological Questions
- Synthetic Biology and Its Opportunities
- Epigenetics Studies.
🤫 Biology Topics: Current Issues
You can also look for an area of biology that you are most interested in and consider the new developments in it – that would make a perfect choice for a biology-related subject. However, it is not your only option. For example, another great topic to consider is biological issues. Ask yourself: what problems are present in the field of biology? Well, here is a small (and not at all exhaustive) list of suggestions.
- Ethics and biology. Consider the protection of human subjects and the alternatives to animal experimentation. Are the other options necessary?
- The attitude to GMOs as a problem. Can public opinion hold science back? Adverse reactions to GMOs should focus on this topic, but you can also consider the effects of the positive ones.
If the topics mentioned above do not attract you, think about other options. For example, choose a branch of biology or a specific aspect of biologists’ activities to discuss! Here are a few suggestions.
- Under the sea! What does a marine biologist do?
- How do you acquire a biological patent? Offer a legal workshop to your peers!
📎 Top 100 Biology Topics for Presentation & Research
We’ve created a list of different biology topics you could choose from for your presentation or research paper. For your convenience, we’ve divided the topics by biological fields. Find your inspiration and get started!
Molecular Biology Research Topics
Molecular Biology is one of the most interesting and prominent fields of biology. Let’s have a look at several relevant topics!
- Origin of Life: The RNA World Scenario Vs. The Latter Scenario. For this topic, you can cover two major theories on how first living cells have occurred. The best idea is to discuss both views and compare them.
- What Are Methods in Molecular Biology Research? Here, you can discuss the basic methods that scientists use in molecular biology studies.
- Molecular Biology of The Cell: An Introduction. This topic implies that you cover the basics of the molecular biology of the cell. As it is a broad theme, the best idea is to focus on the basics.
- Molecular Biology of The Gene: An Overview. We offer you the same strategy as in the previous topic. Just try to cover the basics of the molecular biology of the gene. It can be done by providing key definitions and explaining key theories.
- Molecular Biology of Microorganisms: A brief overview. This topic suits perfectly for a presentation. You can provide a brief overview of the molecular biology of microorganisms. It is a brilliant idea to discuss key terminology, theories, and current issues.
Environmental Biology Research Topics
Environmental topics are among the most popular in biology today. Below you will find 10 topics that you can use for your presentation or research paper.
- How Noise Pollution Influences Living Organisms?
- Environmental Justice: Why It Is Essential?
- Urban Ecology: What Issues It Aims At Solving?
- What Are The Latest Research on Climate Change?
- Fire Ecology: How Human Beings Can Adapt to Fires?
- Renewable Energy: What Are Potential Risks for Nature?
- Bioremediation: How Microbes Can Eliminate Pollution?
- Limnology Studies: What Are The Main Areas of Research?
- Conservation Biology: What Are The Latest Efforts for Prevention Extinction?
- Satellites and Drones for Studying Natural World Remotely.
Genetics Research Topics
Genetics is an incredibly interesting subject that affects almost any aspect of modern life! We highly recommend you to choose one of the 10 topics that you can find below.
- What Are The Latest Breakthroughs in Genetics Studies?
- Gene Mutation: How It Can Help Fighting Illnesses?
- Genetics Legislation: What Procedures Are Illegal?
- Genetic Tests: How They Can Be Helpful for Fighting Diseases?
- How Genetics Takes Part in Cancer Research?
- What Opportunities Does Genetics Science Open Up for Humanity?
- What Genetic Factors Might Influence Human Behavior?
- Does Genetics Open Up Opportunities to Choose Sex and Other Characteristics Before Birth?
- Is There a Connection Between Genetics Studies and Environmental Questions?
- Can Extinct Species DNAs Be Recovered?
Neuroscience Research Topics
Here you will find 10 interesting neuroscience research topic for your presentation or research paper:
- How Can Human Emotions Influence Intellectual Abilities?
- How Do Emotions Affect the Perception of Art and Music?
- What Factors Affect the Levels of Dopamine in Human Bodies?
- How Does Alcohol and Marijuana Use Might Influence Teenagers’ Brain Development?
- What Has Neuroscience Achieved Towards Controlling Negativity and Emotional Pain?
- What Are the Controversial Topics in Neuroscience? How It Affects the Discipline?
- Gut Bacteria and Its Influence on Behavior and Mental Health.
- How Humans’ Brains Process Speech?
- How Does Excessive Use of the Internet Affect The Memory?
- What Are The Latest Breakthroughs in Neuroscience?
Behavior and Hormones Research Topics:
Biology Research also focuses on Behavior and Hormones Studies. Here we offer you another 10 interesting topics related to this field.
- How Does Our Hormone System Affect Behavior and Mind?
- What Biological Processes Occur in The Brain while Bipolar Disorder?
- Depression: What Changes Occur in Hormone System?
- Hormone System and Gender-related Issues
- What Changes Occur in Hormone System While Pregnancy?
- Latest Research on Oxytocin Science: What Is New?
- What Hormones Are Activated While Fear Reaction?
- How Physical Exercises Influence Hormones?
- The Use of Melatonin for Therapeutic Purposes.
- What Hormones Are Responsible for Risky Behavior?
- Cloning and stem cells: Current issues. Is human cloning legal? Why?
- Hybrids as a means to increase efficiency: Mention the animals that are worth making hybrids of.
- The threats and benefits of transgenic crops: Explain that GMO is not that hazardous.
- Fighting inherent diseases: Mention current accomplishments.
- The world under a magnifying glass. Molecular genetics: Define the basic notions.
- The causes of genetic mutations: Provide examples of mutations.
- Research field Biomedicine: Dr. Malcolm E. Miller says…
- Donors and organ transplants: I give you my heart. Pick the problem of finding a proper donor.
- Cosmetic surgery: Is it me, I see? Dwell on the reasons for undergoing cosmetic surgery.
- Behind a brain at work. Neurosurgery problems: Recall leading neurosurgeons and their accomplishments.
- Vascular surgery: It’s in your blood. Mention current achievements.
- Future of prosthetic appliances. Mind-controlled limbs: Include issues from surgery and science engineering.
- Fighting cancer and benign tumors: Never give up. Describe current treatment methods.
- Research field: Ecology and Hippocrates says…
- Saving the Earth: Environment in danger. Convey the idea of balance between the natural and the human-made.
- The means of wildlife preservation: Offer your suggestions to protect wildlife.
- Rare species protection: Enumerate the most endangered species.
- The problem of extinction. The species that are no more: List extinct animals and plants.
- Extreme survival and endangered animals: Offer your suggestions to help animals adapt.
- Invasive species: Only the strong survive. Your idea on the iron jungle issue.
- Sea life: Things people have to know. Offer the least known facts.
- Animal hunting: Following fashion. Mention the animals that suffer the most.
- Environmental pollution: Back to carts? Consider alternative sources of energy.
- Research field: Evolution. Darwin says…
- The law of natural selection: Provide examples of animal evolution.
- Dead branches of evolution: When there’s nowhere to go. Imagine what would have happened if evolution hadn’t stopped.
- Trends in evolution: What is the next step? Find evolution algorithms.
- The reasons for biodiversity loss: Offer your means to sustain current biodiversity.
- Animal and plant habitats: Contamination threat. How to prevent pollution?
- Research field: Biodiversity. Greenpeace says…
- Climate change’s effects on biodiversity: Offer suggestions on how to save various species.
- Coral reefs preservation: Facing challenges. Provide ways to save coral reefs.
- Global warming as a threat for biodiversity. Consider methods of sustainability.
- Econet as a biodiversity conservation tool: Define the Econet system.
Biology Topics: Famous Biologists
You can use the information about biological issues to create a topical, engaging text. However, you have other options, as well. For instance, have you considered writing about famous biologists? Here, we will name just a couple of them.
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: when and how did microbiology start? You can add some information on how microbiology has been developing since then.
- Carl Linnaeus. Why do we have binomial nomenclature? Why is it important?
- Edward Jenner: the history of vaccination. Focus on the beginnings of immunization and mention its impact. A brief consideration of the changes in attitudes to it can also be exciting and engaging.
- Rachel Carson. Check out her book, “Silent Spring.” Discuss environmental safety. Why is her contribution significant?
- Stephen Jay Gould. A paleontologist and historian of science: history and biology combined. Consider also his contribution to popular science and pop-science literature.
Biology Topics: Equipment
Come to think of it: every biologist needs tools! Why don’t you choose a piece of biological equipment (e.g., microscope) and discuss the history of its creation and its impact on the development of biology (or a specific branch of biology)? Here are some ideas for insightful equipment-related topics.
- Microscopes: using light and electrons to see this world in detail. Consider telling the brief history of the equipment and explaining its impact. Also, check out the two different types of microscopes.
- Test tubes: spin that sample right round! Who would need a test tube? Why? What for?
- Petri dishes. Culture your sample! Why is it called that way? What is it for? Consider discussing the history and impact of the invention.
- Dyeing your samples: when, why, and how? Tell the history of the development of the technique and the opportunities that it offers.
- How to tell a beaker from a flask? Check out the history of the two types of containers. What is its purpose? Why do they need to be different?
Biology Topics: Experiments
As you can see, your favorite biology field can make a significant research topic. But do you know what can make a biology paper most interesting? Cool bio experiments are out there! Tell your peers how to carry out a bio experiment or, better yet, show them! You can find some of the possible experiment topics below.
- What kind of biological organisms can be found in the samples of water from different sources? Offer examples of sources. If you want a practical demonstration, it is an excellent opportunity to use the microscope so that you can throw in some information about it too.
- How to extract your DNA at home? Discuss the necessary supplies and surprise your audience!
- What happens to an egg dipped in vinegar for too long? Discuss osmosis and its effects.
- If you cannot smell your food, will it taste the same? You can quickly organize a practical demonstration: just provide your audience with small snacks and ask them to cover their noses. Explain the mechanisms of smell and taste.
- How do you make your very own bacteria colony? This topic can be connected to that of the Petri dish.
Biology Topics: Sustainability and Biodiversity
Using a bio experiment as your topic can be great! However, apart from choosing the issues that are most interesting to you, you can find a problem, studying which is a responsible thing to do. For instance, sustainability is not just a buzz word. Discuss sustainability as a part of your bio project or paper and disseminate crucial information about preserving our planet’s resources!
- The concept of sustainability. Consider its history and impact on modern society.
- What biological resources do we need to preserve this day? Make sure to offer both classification and examples!
- Types of pollution. There are more than one, but why bother with the designation? Examples would be great here, too: check out the most devastating events in the history of ecology.
- An exciting element of sustainability is the preservation of biodiversity. Think about extinct species: what have we lost? What can we lose yet? And how do we stop the world from losing its precious biodiversity?
- Why is extinction a problem? Review the consequences of dying out.
- Causes of extinction. Is the human always to blame? Consider non-human matters. Can they be traced back to humanity?
🦠 Life Science Topics for Presentation
Life science studies all forms of life, including plants, animals, viruses and bacteria, single-celled organisms, and even cells. Its key goal is to examine everything about life on this planet at different stages of evolution.
We have prepared science topics for a presentation to help you and your audience learn more about every living thing on Earth!
Cell Biology Topics for Presentation
Cell biology is the study that seeks to examine the structure and function of cells, their communication, and inner mechanisms.
Here are cell biology topics for a presentation that can come in handy:
- Cell biology: the study of cellular metabolism.
- What are the peculiarities of cell communication?
- The efficiency of cell-based therapy in cancer.
- The role of enzymes in DNA replication.
- Cell death: the key mechanisms.
- Genetic mutation and its influence on human health.
- What is the role of membrane trafficking in plant-microbe interactions?
- The impact of environmental stresses on cells.
- Signal transduction of cells: the main steps and types.
- The ethical issues behind cell therapy.
Human Biology Topics for Presentation
Human biology studies the structure, function, and behavior of the human body. It aims to understand how the human body works and use that knowledge to improve people’s health and well-being.
Below, you can find interesting human biology topics for presentation:
- How does the central nervous system function?
- Artery vs. vein: the key distinctions.
- The peculiarities of the human respiratory system.
- Regular training and its impact on the human heart.
- The differences in the skeletal structure of males and females.
- Lung cancer: causes, symptoms, and consequences.
- The importance and role of genes.
- How do digestive organs interact with one another?
- Practical methods for protecting the immune system.
- Thyroid gland: function, location, and common conditions.
Zoology Topics for Presentation
Zoology is a branch of biology that investigates all animals, both living and extinct. Zoology significantly aids in understanding the natural world and minimizing harm to animal populations and their habitats.
Zoology topics for presentation look the following way:
- The impact of global warming on baby lizards.
- Mesozoic Era: the overview of animal species.
- What are the molecular and genetic bases of animal evolution?
- The cases of the gray wolf return.
- Brain size and its impact on species intelligence.
- The benefits and drawbacks of trout fish hatcheries.
- The ethical considerations in animal research and testing.
- How do animals reproduce and pass on their genes?
- The effect of habitat destruction on the population of local animals.
- The peculiarities of primate language.
🧬 Easy Biology Topics for Presentation
Have you not found the perfect topic for your presentation yet? Do not panic! We have some additional easy biology topics that you can use!
- The fundamental biological principles and concepts.
- What is the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle?
- The origins of viruses in the evolutionary history of life.
- The problem of obesity in house pets.
- Allergic reactions: symptoms and triggers.
- What are the pros and cons of vaccination?
- The complexity of the immune system.
- The role of camouflage in sea animals.
- Human memory: the basics of work.
- How does alcohol affect the human brain and liver?
- The issue of tropical forests extinction.
- Characteristics of animal behavior in reproduction.
- The impact of pollution on marine life.
- What is the role of biodiversity in ecosystem stability?
- The key functions of the human brain.
❓ 10 Controversial Topics In Biology
There are plenty of controversial and debatable topics on biology. These themes raise questions in terms of their ethical part and sociological perspective. You can prepare an oral presentation or a research paper on one of them. In this section, we’ve prepared for you 10 controversial topics on biology. Get inspired!
- Abortion: When The Basic Legal Right To Live Begin?
- Abortion: Whose Rights Should Be Respected At First?
- Abortion: Are There Any Alternatives (As For Example Adoption)?
- Abortion: Should Be Men Involved in The Decision-Making?
- Human Cloning: What Are The Purposes?
- Human Cloning: Arguments For and Against.
- Human Cloning: An Overview of The Current Situation.
- Animal Experiments: Arguments For and Against.
- Genetically Engineered Food: A Threat or A Solution?
- Embryonic Stem Cells: Arguments For and Against.
🔚 Conclusion
And where do you think you are going? Want to create biology topics for project writing? Or develop biology topics for essay papers? Hold on, you still have an important message to read!
State the subject of your research in the paper’s topic!
E.g., Current genetics: Searching for mutations’ causes (the causes of mutations are the obvious subject).
With that in mind, you will surely create perfect topics for biology papers.
We hope that you find our recommendations on interesting biology topics useful and get down to work! Remember, you have plenty of opportunities, from discussing controversial topics to focusing on one of the biological fields we’ve offered. Good luck!