Are you one of those students who – just like treasure hunters – tirelessly dig through the web, searching for interesting essay ideas? Congratulations!
This time your effort is rewarded, because you have just come across a goldmine of 130 amazing essay questions.
Hurry up to choose the best topic from this list before somebody steals it right from under your nose.
Good essay topics for different types of papers
You always intuitively know when an interesting essay idea is actually the best idea for you. You simply read it and think to yourself: “This is exactly what I have been looking for.”
However, there is one more aspect that you should consider in order to find the idea that perfectly matches your need: the type of your essay. Different essay types require different questions.
To help you choose the best idea for your essay type, the following list offers you best essay questions already divided into groups according to the essay types they best match. Enjoy!
Argumentative essay ideas
- Should We Care About Income Inequality?
- Should Juveniles be Treated as Adults?
- Should alcohol and tobacco ads be banned?
- When Should Children Start School?
- Should European Cities Ban the Operation of E-Scooters?
- Should people receive “parenting licenses”?
- Should Phones and Social Media Be Banned in Classrooms?
- The USA Should Adapt To Socialistic Healthcare System.
- Should people who do not care for their elderly parents be punished?
- Should Health Care Cost Equally for Everyone?
- Schools Should Teach Morals.
- Should the Government of Ghana Fund a New National Airline Flagship?
- Should a person, who has been hit on the right cheek, turn the other one? Are there any exceptions?
- Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
- Should Human Cloning Be Allowed?
- Should fashion shows be obliged to invite horizontally challenged (overweight) models?
- Should Cell Phone Use in Cars be Banned?
- Social Media: Why People Should Stop Using It.
- Should all fat products have warning labels, just like cigarette packs do?
- Should Canada Have an Abortion Law?
- Should Certain Drugs Be Legalized?
Descriptive essay ideas
- A spring morning in a big city.
- A rain of stars seen from a desert island.
- Description of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
- Singing songs around a bonfire at a summer camp.
- Traffic jams during a rush hour.
- A bird bringing a worm to its chicks.
- Picnic on the college lawn.
- A touching scene at the railway station.
Definition essay ideas
- Advertising: The Definition and Moral Issue.
- Generation gap.
- Intermodal Transport Definition and Conceptualization.
- The Concept of Hero Definition.
- Stick and carrot motivation.
- Concepts of Human Health.
- The Code of Ethics: Definition and Purpose.
- Language sense.
- Gun Control: Term Definition.
- The Concept of Race: Social Science.
- Business ethics.
- Expressionism: Term Definition.
- Plato’s Republic: The Concept of Freedom.
- Empathy.
- Globalization: Definition and Impact.
- Definition of Primary Care and Primary Healthcare.
- Creativity.
- E-Business: Definition and Models.
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Definition.
- Stereotypes.
- Cloud Computing: Definition, Characteristics, Applications.
- ERP System Definition.
Compare and contrast essay ideas
- United States vs. Canada: The Access to Healthcare.
- International vs. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
- An application essay and an advertisement on TV.
- Information Systems and Its Types.
- Nuclear vs. Gas: NuScale Power Company.
- Chances to win at lottery and chances to get a well-paid job.
- Chinese vs. American Education System.
- Home vs. Public School Education.
- Traveling the world and wandering the web.
- Legal Drinking Age and U.S. vs. European Alcohol Consumption Patterns.
- Renewable vs. Coal or Nuclear-Generated Energy.
- Talking in person and texting on Facebook.
- Energy Sources: Types and Development.
- Text vs. Film: The Transition.
- Types of Thinking Styles.
- Baking a cake and writing an essay.
- Karl Marx vs Max Weber: Differing Views on Social Class.
- Types of Assets in the Balance Sheet.
- Apologizing and forgiving.
- Apple vs. HP: Integrated Marketing Communications.
- Deep Vein Thrombosis vs. Pulmonary Embolism.
Cause and effect essay ideas
- The Causes and Impacts of Homelessness.
- Excessive parents’ control and lack of child’s autonomy.
- Global Warming: Causes and Consequences.
- Male and Female Suicide Statistics: Causes and Effect.
- Eating habits and cardiovascular diseases.
- Corporal Punishment and Its Effects on Children.
- The Causes of Global Warming.
- Poor motivation and low salary (or vice versa).
- Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?
- Popular Music and Its Impact on the Economy and Politics.
- Terrorism and antidepressant sales.
- Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Students and Education.
- The right to vote and individual political awareness.
- Cold War Causes and Consequences.
- Psychological Disorder: Causes and Remedies.
- Music preferences and math performance.
- Causes of Juvenile Delinquency.
- In Search for the True Cause of Obesity.
- Peace of mind and cognitive abilities.
- Factors That Cause International Migration Flaws.
- Effects of Music in Advertising.
Narrative essay ideas
- Around the world in 30 days.
- Meeting Somali pirates in the open sea.
- One day of a camera in a shopping mall.
- Someone is mistakenly diagnosed with a fatal disease.
- A millionaire losing his/her fortune in one day.
- An inventor makes an outstanding discovery.
- Extraterrestrial invaders save the planet.
Process essay ideas
- Teaching Children How to Read and Write.
- How to cure Facebook addiction?
- How to Put a Baby to Bed?
- How to Apply Teacher Professional Standards in the Teacher Training Field.
- How to entertain yourself in a queue at the dentist?
- Accident Emergency Department: How to Reduce Patient Waiting Time.
- How to Protect the Egypt Nile River from Pollution?
- How to protect yourself from insects during a barbecue?
- Childhood Obesity and How to Prevent It with Diets.
- Rising Rates of Diabetes and How to Reduce Cases.
- How to improve your memory?
- How to Keep Employees Motivated.
- How to calm down an irritated customer?
- How to Write a Good Essay.
- How to Develop Quality Management Systems in Libyan Oil and Gas Companies.
Critical essay ideas
- “Hills Like White Elephants” by Hemingway.
- Titanic in 3D format.
- Short Story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker.
- American Dream in “Franklin’s Way to Wealth” vs “The Great Gatsby”.
- Black Square by Malevich.
- “The Yellow Wallpaper” by C. P. Gilman and “A Raisin in the Sun” L. Hansberry.
- A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller.
- Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
- Henrik Ibsen’s Play “A Doll’s House”.
- The Play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller.
- Othello by Shakespeare.
- “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway.
- Love and Friendship by Emily Bronte.
- Realism in Alice Sebold’s Novel “The Lovely Bones”.
- Allegory in “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving.
Good essay topics: your checklist
Now that you have probably already chosen the best essay idea for you, you may want to answer the following questions to test it:
- Is this topic interesting? (Be sincere about it.)
- Can you give examples relevant for the topic before doing any research?
- Do you have already a personal opinion on this topic?
- Could you discuss it with your friends?
If your answers to all of these questions are affirmative, you have definitely made the right choice. If you still have some doubts, you can easily look through this list one more time and choose another good essay topic.
Good luck with your essays and have a nice day!