The revolutionary war in France took place between 1787 and 1799, ending with the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. It was a period of radical change in the structure of French society.
There were many causes for the French Revolution. People from all social classes were getting discontented with the state of affairs in the country. Those with financial power had no say in politics, while the rest of the citizens were forced to live in poverty. The faith in the monarchy was wavering as King Louis XVI had nearly left France bankrupt. Ultimately, a mixture of social, political, and economic factors led to the eventual uprising.
The goal of the Revolution was to secure greater freedoms and rights for all citizens of the nation. Not everything was achieved. Still, it was a critical moment in modern human history, inspiring future movements. Our experts have collected these French Revolution essay topics to help you determine the focus of your assignment. Read through them to find the perfect idea for your paper. Plus, check our essay writing tips.
๐ Top 10 French Revolution Topics
- Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution.
- The Reign of Terror.
- Literature of the French Revolution.
- The storming of the Tuileries Palace.
- Timeline of the French Revolution.
- Fall of absolute monarchy in France.
- De Launay’s role in the Revolution.
- How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power?
- The battle of Bastille.
- The effects of the French Revolution.
๐ French Revolution Titles for Any Essay
- Political causes of the French Revolution.
- The economic crisis as a prerequisite for Revolution.
- Causes of dissatisfaction of the bourgeoisie and the peasantry.
- Features of the absolute monarchy of Louis XVI that caused the Revolution.
- Population groups involved in the Revolution.
- The crisis of religion and morality in French society in the 1780s.
- France’s social system as a barrier to the peaceful resolution of existing problems.
- Why was the enlightened King Louis XVI unable to prevent the Revolution?
- The French Enlightenment as the ideological basis of the Revolution.
- Termination of the Estates General of 1789.
- The main stages of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.
- Why the storming of the Bastille was a key factor at the start of the French Revolution?
- The overthrow of the power of Louis XVI.
- The early stages of the formation of a constitutional monarchy in France.
- Domestic policy of the constitutionalists.
- Importance of adopting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789.
- Consequences of the 1790 Civil Constitution of the Clergy.
- The drafting process of the French Constitution of 1791.
- Reorganization of the political administration of France.
- Le Chapelier Law 1791 and its influence on the aggravation of the conflict.
- The causes of the French Revolutionary Wars.
- Why did Austria and Prussia oppose the Revolution in France?
- The institution of commissars during the French Revolution in 1791-1796.
- The election of 1792 and the start of the National Convention.
- Political, economic, and social characteristics of the First Republic.
- Key political ideas of Girondins.
- Position of the Montagnards regarding the administration of France.
- Reasons for the confrontation between Girondins and Montagnards.
- Why did the creation of the First Republic fail?
- Why was it necessary to form the Committee of Public Safety 1793?
- What fatal mistake led to the fall of the Girondins?
- Role of Robespierre in establishing the dictatorship of Montagnards.
- Activities Paris Commune in 1789-1795.
- Distinctive features of the Constitution of 1793.
- Principal events during the Reign of Terror, 1793-1794.
- The reaction of the population to the Assembly 1793-1794.
- Enlightenment ideas about terror.
- What caused the execution of Maximilien Robespierre?
- Thermidorian reaction and the internal politics of the Directory, 1794-1799.
- Why did the Directory seek separation of powers?
- Features of Directory’s foreign policy.
- The main features of the Jacobin ideology.
โก๏ธ Cause-&-Effect French Revolution Essay Titles
- Why did the Jacobin coup of 1795 fail?
- Reasons for the rebellion in Brittany in June-July 1795.
- Innovation in the Constitution of 1795.
- Standards for voters set by the new Constitution of the Year III.
- The financial and economic policy of the Directory.
- How did the French government fight inflation in 1795?
- Food riots in Paris and the Directory’s response to them.
- The main ideas of Babeuf’s Conspiracy of the Equals.
- Why did Babeuf’s Conspiracy fail?
- Causes of the War of the Directory against the coalition of Britain and Austria.
- Italian campaign and the rise of Bonaparte.
- Why did the Directory seek an alliance with Spain?
- The reasons for the Coup of 18 Fructidor, 1797.
- The use of newspapers for the purposes of the Revolution.
- Symbols of the French Revolution and their cultural significance.
- The role of women during the French Revolution.
- The manifestation of militant feminism during the Revolution.
- The significance of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women.
- Changes in territories of European states during the Revolution.
- Why did the Revolution mark the end of Bourbon rule in France?
- Changes in land laws and property rights after the Revolution
- Loss of the status and power of the Catholic Church.
- Constitutionalism as a result of the Revolution.
- Followers of Jacobin theories outside of France.
- The creation of new ideologies in opposition to the monarchy.
- Formulation of the ideas of nationalism during the Revolution.
- The ideas of liberalism during the French Revolution.
- Signs of communist ideology in the Revolution.
- How did the French Revolution affect the economy in Europe?
- The beginning of the destruction of the class division.
- Rights and freedoms of citizens after the Revolution.
- What were the negative consequences of the French Revolution?
- Why did the Revolution cause a wave of emigration in France?
- Did the French Revolution have an impact outside of Europe?
- Why did “liberty, equality, fraternity” become the slogan of the French Revolution?
- The influence of the French Revolutionary Wars on the outcome of the Revolution.
- Legal equality as a result of the French Revolution.
- Biases in the depiction of the events of the French Revolution in different sources.
- Why did the French Revolution end with the dictatorship of General Bonaparte?
- Why did the mobilization of youth in France continue after the end of the Revolution?
- The impact of the French Revolution on cultural development.
๐ฉ French Revolution Essay Topics: The Role of Women
- Women’s clubs and their gradual disappearance due to the Jacobin Revolution.
- Women and their lack of rights in pre-revolutionary France.
- The dependent position of women on men as a trigger for the Revolution.
- Feature of the social institution of conservative France: A pretext to the Revolution.
- Women’s clubs and the particular importance of the Society of Revolutionary Republican Women.
- The image of Liberty as an inspiration for French women during the Revolution.
- The revolutionary roles of women in France and the organization of riots.
- Support by radical feminist movements for the Jacobin party during the Revolution.
- Olympe de Gouges and her revolutionary correspondence with Robespierre
- The emergence of female independent thought before the Revolution.
- Non-violent ways of fighting the political regime in female writing, plays, and public activities.
- Revolutionary speeches of women and the need for de-Christianization of society.
- The political centrism of Germaine de Stael in the history of revolutionary thought.
- French Enlightenment as a precursor to the Revolution.
- The decline in the importance of literary salons before the Revolution.
- Female thought and the radicalization of the French Revolution.
- The lack of unity and diversity of women’s demands during the French Revolution.
- Legal documents from the late 18th century demanding equal rights for women in France.
- Social prerequisites for the education of women in pre-revolutionary France.
- The craving for the philosophical activity of women in revolutionary France.
- Feminism as an aristocratic phenomenon that originated in the context of the Revolution.
- Demands for roles identical to those of men in the revolutionary manifestos.
- Humanism and Enlightenment, their role in female revolutionary thought.
- The formation of a revolutionary archetype of a French woman.
โ Unique French Revolution Essay Questions
- How did historians characterize the period of the French Revolution?
- Why did the Palace of Versailles become the heart of the Revolution?
- Considering the political nature of the conflict, how did the French Revolution transform society?
- On what events did Jacques-Louis David base his famous sketch The Tennis Court Oath?
- What were the causes of Louis XVI’s urgent departure from Paris?
- Louis XIV declared himself as the sole ruler of France. How did he justify his announcement?
- On what grounds did Napoleon I present himself as a man to rebuild France?
- French monarchs tended to impose their wills on people. What were the reasons for such conduct?
- What kind of contribution did social gatherings like cafes make to the upcoming wave of the revolutionary movement?
- What population category was included in the first estate in France under the “Old Regime” (before the Revolution)?
- What was the role of the Legislative Assembly?
- What extreme measure did Louis XVI take in 1789 to bring France out of a deep crisis?
- How did the form of government established in France at the first stage of the Revolution affect the population?
- What were the consequences of the trade agreement between France and Great Britain in 1786?
- How did the new administrative division of France during the Revolution affect its citizens?
โ๏ธ How to Write an Essay About French Revolution
The interpretation of historical events will be different from person to person. That is why writing a French Revolution essay should take a lot of consideration and planning. Below, we have listed the steps of this process.
- Analyze your topic & research question. Once you select your title, ensure you have a clear idea of what you will write about. Identify and highlight the keywords to better understand what to focus on. Besides, start thinking about how to formulate your thesis statement.
- Brainstorm a plan. Start by throwing all of your ideas on paper. Consider what circumstances, people, or places are connected to your topic. If you could benefit from more insights, try showing your initial plan to your professors.
- Take time with your research. When you have a rough draft in mind, take the time to gather sources. You can begin by going through the class reading list. This way, you will get a refresher on the subject. Afterward, rely on your plan and thesis to guide your research. Check different online databases and your institution’s library.
- Develop arguments (and counter-arguments). All of them should refer back to your topic and thesis statement. Expand upon the most relevant points in greater detail while summarizing the background information. Remember that each argument you make must be supported by evidence from your research.
- Outline and write. Now you have everything you need to prepare your outline. Jot down the things you will mention in the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Finally, write your essay. Remember to keep referring back to your thesis to stay on track.
As you finish your paper, you will want to check it for mistakes. You can complete this process faster with our online text-to-speech tool. Listening to your writing will help you identify inconsistencies and errors.
Thanks for reading! We hope you have enjoyed this and wish you the best of luck in your future studies.